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[Feb 18,2008 5:21pm - SUPERCHRIST  ""]
we're coming back to boston on 4/22

anyone know of anything going on nearby (nyc, providence, albany) on 4/23?
[Feb 18,2008 5:33pm - Mess ""]
fuck yes
[Feb 18,2008 6:25pm - quintessence ""]
Fuck yes! I am there. I only wish you were playing Dawnbringer tunes also.
[Feb 18,2008 6:47pm - inject-now ""]
i believe the show will be superchrist, panzerbastard, i destroyer, and rampant decay.
[Feb 18,2008 7:15pm - dreadkill ""]
i have to go to this with my friend matt so he can reminisce about old times with the pit viper.

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