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5 songs up on the page...weeoooeeoooeee!!!!

[Feb 22,2008 3:23am - milkydeathgrind ""]

Go take a listen.....and then another......then another......and another......then smoke a cigarette while you think about how fucking awesome the songs you just listened to are.The Cadaveric Manifesto
[Feb 22,2008 4:04am - sxealex ""]
dude awesome!
[Feb 22,2008 4:08am - sxealex ""]
we will have to play shows together once again!
[Feb 22,2008 4:54am - milkydeathgrind ""]
Are you drumming in that new band with nick or are you doing your own thing now?.........either way showage is a must!!!!
[Feb 22,2008 5:51am - thegreatspaldino ""]
sick castlevania video.
[Feb 22,2008 9:35am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Hey, I didn't know my drummer posts here. Badass.
[Feb 22,2008 10:44am - the_reverend ""]
alex = old school
[Feb 22,2008 11:16am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
[Feb 22,2008 11:26am - mcmahon ""]
cool. and i see you're playing sat @ dbh? see you then.
[Feb 22,2008 11:26am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
We are still looking for shows between now and the middle of May. If you want us to play with you, hook us up!
[Feb 22,2008 11:34am - Hungtableed  ""]
Awesome shit dudes. I think I'll check out the Apr. 4th show at Milly's. My life is about to get excruciatingly busy but I couldn't pass up seeing a good band at an awesome fucking bar on a Friday even if I had to.
[Feb 22,2008 11:56am - milkydeathgrind ""]
NICE!!!! I haven't seen you nsn guys since......the last time you played the brick house.....heh. It'll be good to see everyone again. CAN'T WAIT!!!

p.s. I'm glad somebody feels the same way about the Castlevania logo thingy as me :-)
[Feb 22,2008 1:06pm - mcmahon ""]
what time you guys on saturday?
[Feb 22,2008 1:16pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
We're supposed to be on early afternoon around 1:45 I believe. Right after our set, we have to jet down to Manchester by 4 so we can play the Thirstyfest by 5. If you guys wanna come to Rocko's in Manchester for our set that would be the balls. It's $10 to get in.

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