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Devil may Cry 4 DMC4

[Feb 23,2008 12:40am - the_reverend ""]
the demo is up there and ready for the ps3
[Feb 23,2008 12:53am - boine ""]
good game but sadly the demo only lets you play as Nero
[Feb 23,2008 1:00am - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 23,2008 1:00am - the_reverend ""]
it should come out today.
[Feb 23,2008 1:06am - boine ""]
its been out for like a month, really good Dante is out of control and you can put yours scores up for mission and peoples on your friends list can view them
[Feb 23,2008 1:13am - the_reverend ""]
what? I was just at BB and it said pre-order
[Feb 23,2008 1:23am - boine ""]
damn they are out of date been out since the fifth i want to say great game
[Mar 8,2008 1:05am - the_reverend ""]
just put it in... 100 fucking pages to read? wtf...
[Mar 8,2008 1:20am - Mucko ""]
Coleco is the only way to go homo, mofo.
[Mar 8,2008 1:43am - the_reverend ""]
dante with 1 arms kicks ya ass
[Mar 8,2008 2:01am - the_reverend ""]
I still have yet to play.
the scene at the beginning where vergil/dante stabs the guy through the chest and then beats people it pretty awesome.
[Mar 8,2008 2:46am - boine ""]
it was a good game none have lived up to the greatness of DMC 1 though
[Mar 8,2008 11:55am - bradmann ""]
[Mar 8,2008 1:42pm - thegreatspaldino ""]

bradmann said:http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/editorials/zeropunctuation/3001-Zero-Punctuation-Devil-May-Cry-4


and sadly nothing will live up to the first DMC. nothing, ever.
[Mar 8,2008 6:20pm - the_reverend ""]
wow.. that is very acurate.
[Mar 8,2008 8:57pm - the_reverend ""]
I got to the moving time thing that regenerates enemies. that sucked.
[Apr 12,2008 10:58pm - boine ""]
what chapter you on i see you playing
[Apr 12,2008 11:17pm - the_reverend ""]
7.. stuck on some bullshit where the panels disappear and if you have to fall down and fight different beasts.
[Apr 12,2008 11:18pm - the_reverend ""]
I saw a message that said you were logging off
[Apr 13,2008 12:21am - boine ""]
once you make it to dante part of the game it is much better he has a bunch of styles and weapons
[Apr 13,2008 12:30am - the_reverend ""]
yeah... I'm really not understanding the whole abilities thing. I just want to kick ass. Most of the side missions I can't do.. royal block?!? wtf!
[Apr 13,2008 1:03am - boine ""]
that is one of Dante's styles he has one style just dedicated to blocking
[Apr 13,2008 1:04am - the_reverend ""]
then why have it in a nero level?
[Apr 13,2008 1:19am - boine ""]
it all will make sense i think around chapter 11 you get to be Dante
[Apr 13,2008 8:50am - the_reverend ""]
i missed the blue stone fragment in the air in 7 and then on in a tunnel in 8 that i just couldnt get to. lamerz.
[Apr 19,2008 2:50am - the_reverend ""]
my ass is getting raped by dante
[Apr 19,2008 3:58am - the_reverend ""]
damn, I used 3 S and 1 L life thinger to beat him.
[Apr 19,2008 10:23am - boine ""]
what chapter you on now?
[Apr 19,2008 1:26pm - the_reverend ""]
played 11 for a second and then stopped.
[Apr 19,2008 4:21pm - boine ""]
nice is that chapter or the next they give you Dante cause thats when the game finally gets fun
[Apr 19,2008 7:08pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, it's been tedious after the first couple levels and you can't buy many upgrades.
[Apr 20,2008 10:37pm - the_reverend ""]
damn holiness is a little bit of a stinker.
[Apr 20,2008 10:58pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, i think I get dante now.
[Apr 20,2008 11:10pm - boine ""]
ya it gets fun with him Nero was boring i wish the game was harder on devil hunter mode like 3 was
[Apr 20,2008 11:25pm - the_reverend ""]
I miss the devil hand
[Apr 20,2008 11:45pm - boine ""]
why trickster is awesome you can fuck people up
[Apr 20,2008 11:46pm - the_reverend ""]
I didn't know what trickster was. I didn't up it at all. im wicked glad I had the proud stones to get air hike finally.
[Apr 21,2008 12:15am - boine ""]
ya that move is key dante has all kinds of cool tricks in this game when you play as nero again you will be very bored. Fuck the Japanese its midnight and i am not playing MGSO beta
[Apr 25,2008 12:44am - the_reverend ""]
stupid game keeps freezing
[Apr 25,2008 1:52am - the_reverend ""]
level 13 freezing all over the place. I told it to piss shit and went to bed. this is the first time my ps3 has been off in years.
[Apr 10,2011 3:36am - the_reverend ""]
starting up again.
[Apr 10,2011 7:25am - Skinsandwich ""]
Haha, 3 years later.
[Apr 10,2011 10:19am - BlessedOffalNLI  ""]
ITT: rev unintentionally starts a new trend of writing a sentence and then immediately abbreviating it. RUSANTOWASATIAI
[Apr 10,2011 11:20am - the_reverend ""]
my game was saved on 4/20/2008
I played for about 5 minutes, had no clue what was up and turned it off.
[Apr 10,2011 11:30am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
What a great game. One of the few I've finished, and of those one of the even fewer that I immediately played through a second time.

[Apr 10,2011 7:40pm - eddienli  ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:What a great game. One of the few I've finished, and of those one of the even fewer that I immediately played through a second time.

really? I became bored with this game pretty quick. 3 was 100% better.
[Apr 10,2011 8:03pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
gameplay is always good in DMC games but holy shit the music/dialogue/acting/story are all HORRIBLE

only Onimusha is real.
[Apr 11,2011 12:38am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
I just liked the pace and the combo system a ton. I played through, and played again to try to max out on stuff. I NEVER do that with games.

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