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Do you skateboard?

[Feb 28,2008 11:02pm - ZJD ""]
The word skateboard came up 2 weeks ago and I decided to start again on account of being less fat now than I was when I used to skate and it being fun as shit. I've been sick since then and it has snowed every other day so it hasn't happened yet, but soon.

[Feb 28,2008 11:03pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Man, it's been awhile.
[Feb 28,2008 11:05pm - W3 nli  ""]
its all about the BMX dooder
[Feb 28,2008 11:07pm - brian_dc ""]
[Feb 28,2008 11:25pm - ZJD ""]
Every single person to ever tell me they ride bmx has done so by saying "it's all about the bmx." What the fuck is that?
[Feb 28,2008 11:36pm - phillip ""]
i havent had time to lately, plus I usually don't skate much in the colder months
but I still keep a deck in my trunk at all times
[Feb 28,2008 11:40pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I used to be a great skateboarder from ages 14-19, I have trophies and had a clothing sponsorship from JIMMY'Z.

I still wear Vans high-tops.
[Feb 28,2008 11:44pm - ZJD ""]
I used to mostly just ride really fast down hills and stuff and jump into the grass/snowbanks. I hope I can ollie. I hope I actually start skating again and maybe become less fat or something.
[Feb 29,2008 12:09am - W3 nli  ""]

ZJD said:Every single person to ever tell me they ride bmx has done so by saying "it's all about the bmx." What the fuck is that?


sorry i dont have any super cool photos doing crazy tricks i just enjoy riding it jumping off stupid shit.

i should buy a lock so my bikes stop getting stolen :ralphie:
[Feb 29,2008 12:48pm - A.PANZER  ""]
I do...Just got a new Anti-Hero stick over xmas...have yet to ride it though due to the weather, obviously..
[Mar 2,2008 10:13pm - ZJD ""]
Today I skated for 5 minutes in a parking lot and then got too cold. No falling.
[Mar 2,2008 10:19pm - DomesticTerror ""]
it's been like 12 years for me. the last time i gave it a whirl, (a few years ago) it just made me feel real old. like "how the fuck did i ever used to do this?"
[Mar 2,2008 10:28pm - W3 nli  ""]

DomesticTerror said:it's been like 12 years for me. the last time i gave it a whirl, (a few years ago) it just made me feel real old. like "how the fuck did i ever used to do this?"

Ha ha :point:
[Mar 2,2008 11:35pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I can still shred on a board.
[Mar 2,2008 11:47pm - W3 nli  ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:I can still shred on a board.

def wanna see that this spring/summer Johnny Boy
[Mar 3,2008 8:42am - largefreakatzero ""]
The last time I skated I was about 50 lbs lighter. I think I could still hold my own though -- I just have no desire to sprain or break anything.
[Mar 3,2008 9:44am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
We should have a RTTP skate park session; it would be simultaneously tragic and hilarious.
[Mar 3,2008 1:24pm - Yeti ""]
i can't even play Tony Hawk never mind actual skateboarding.
[Mar 3,2008 1:34pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i wanna play a real life version of S.T.U.N Runner.

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