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HAIL OF BULLETS studio update

[Mar 3,2008 8:12pm - the_reverend ""]
HAIL OF BULLETS, the new band featuring GOREFEST drummer Ed Warby, THANATOS guitarists Stephan Gebédi and Paul Baayens, former PESTILENCE/ASPHYX singer Martin Van Drunen and former HOUWITSER bass player Theo van Eekelen, has entered Excess studios in Rotterdam, Holland to begin recording its debut album for a May release via Metal Blade Records.

Warby has issued the following update: "As we're entering the final stages of recording our full length album for Metal Blade Records, we thought we'd share some choice footage of the proceedings. First up is a four-minute glimpse of yours truly beating the shit out of his drums. You can almost see that one crash break! The song I'm doing here is one of the more brutal ones (well, they all are, I guess), with some cool fills and stuff to spice up the umta-umta onslaught. I think I broke an average of 3-4 sticks per song during this session. The forests weep..."

The other video clip features a live performance in the HAIL OF BULLETS rehearsal room recorded in December, 2007.

Click HERE to watch Ed hitting the drums real hard!
Click HERE to see the band perform in the rehearsal room!

http://hailofbullets.com | http://myspace.com/hailoffuckenbullets
[Mar 3,2008 8:25pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Martin Van Drunen!

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