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3/15: The Jonah Veil's last show(with Hive Smasher, Only Blood Will Tell, and more!)

[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Mar 7,2008 9:43am - aaron_michael ""]
[Mar 7,2008 9:44am - aaron_michael ""]
oh yeah, it's at Rocko's in Manchester
[Mar 9,2008 2:42pm - aaron michaelNLI  ""]
[Mar 9,2008 3:11pm - MURPH nli  ""]
Hive Smasher and Therefore I Am on the same bill.

This is why I love music, because good shit from all spectrums can meet.

[Mar 12,2008 12:21pm - aaron_michael ""]
if you have nothing to do saturday night, come check out this spectacle! There was a near riot the last time we played and I'm hoping we get the same reaction if not better this time around!

the pictures aren't very descriptive, but they still make me chuckle.
[Mar 14,2008 10:37am - aaron_michael ""]
[Mar 14,2008 11:31am - JoeyCobraNLI  ""]
I see me....smiling...and Lou being the first to attempt breaking up that little scuffle
[Mar 14,2008 1:01pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I'll be there.

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