Where do you see yourself in ten years[views:3546][posts:39]_______________________________________ [Mar 8,2008 10:37am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""] in ten years from now, where do you see yourself? I see myself still inherently into the same stuff, reading, metal, hiking, just a deeper and more knowledgeable appreciation of my hobbies I see myself with a masters in engrish teaching, hopefully, at the college level. An average sized older house, with some land somewhere up north if it doesn't become ridiculously expensive by then wife, three kids, maybe four. ... oh yeah and a huge bushy red beard |
______________________________________ [Mar 8,2008 10:41am - kadooganism ""] Celebrating the 10th anniversary of you asking me this question. |
______________________________________ [Mar 8,2008 10:43am - the_reverend ""] [img] |
____________________________________ [Mar 8,2008 10:47am - RichHorror ""] Living in a small room in a sorta crappy apartment. Working a shitty entry-level job. Booking shows that people go to about half the time. Masturbating a lot. |
________________________________________ [Mar 8,2008 10:51am - brad weymouth ""] RichHorror said:Living in a small room in a sorta crappy apartment. Working a shitty entry-level job. Booking shows that people go to about half the time. Masturbating a lot. you're an optimist i see |
____________________________________ [Mar 8,2008 10:56am - RichHorror ""] Being realistic is healthy. |
_______________________________________ [Mar 8,2008 11:10am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""] RichHorror said:Living in a small room in a sorta crappy apartment. Working a shitty entry-level job. Booking shows that people go to about half the time. Masturbating a lot. sounds like my current life, only i have a girlfriend |
________________________________________ [Mar 8,2008 11:58am - MassOfTwoSlits ""] Hopefully, being thankful that my teenagers aren't assholes. |
__________________________________________ [Mar 8,2008 12:01pm - thegreatspaldino ""] *please dont say 'doin yer daughter', please dont say 'doin yer daughter'* umm... doin yer... son? |
__________________________________ [Mar 8,2008 12:06pm - pam nli ""] MassOfTwoSlits said:Hopefully, being thankful that my teenagers aren't assholes. I'll be sure to hunt you down so we can wallow in our mutual disappointment together. ...10 years I would like to own a home, have a job I don't despise, my daughter will be 18 so she'll hopefully be off to college, I'll have a 10 year old boy...should have my Master's Degree in something by then...with any luck my liver will still be in operation so I can drown my sorrows when none of this happens. |
__________________________________ [Mar 8,2008 12:06pm - bradmann ""] hopefully teaching english as well, completed an M.A., not married, still enjoying music and the outdoors. i think we have the same vision Y Ddraig Goch! |
____________________________________ [Mar 8,2008 12:39pm - fleshfries ""] I'll most likely be dead. |
_______________________________ [Mar 8,2008 1:46pm - xmikex ""] I hope I'm in the same entry level job that I am right now. I hope I never learn a single new marketable skill, and when I'm almost 50 my boss depends on some other 25 year old kid to do everything, and learn everything new. And I'll tell everyone about how one time I learned how to adjust opacity in Photoshop 7.0 and other versions of programs long forgotten by time. Just like the people I work with now. |
_____________________________________ [Mar 8,2008 1:50pm - SkinSandwich ""] My oldest son will be 22, Middle son will be 20 and my youngest 17. My oldest boy better be out of the house in less than 10 years. own a home, pretty much the same plan as Pam without the education. ![]() A lot of lunatics think the world will end in 2012, so hopfully they will be right this time. I enjoy my job now by taking peoples cars and making them miserable. |
_____________________________________ [Mar 8,2008 1:52pm - SkinSandwich ""] Damn, I will be almost 45 in 10 years. i will be dead of cancer. |
________________________________ [Mar 8,2008 1:57pm - W3 nli ""] SkinSandwich said: I enjoy my job now by taking peoples cars and making them miserable. ah dood hook me up with employment at your job |
________________________________________________ [Mar 8,2008 1:58pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""] fleshfries said:I'll most likely be dead. |
_______________________________ [Mar 8,2008 2:02pm - NIGGER ""] Y_Ddraig_Goch said:in ten years from now, where do you see yourself? I see myself still inherently into the same stuff, reading, metal, hiking, just a deeper and more knowledgeable appreciation of my hobbies I see myself with a masters in engrish teaching, hopefully, at the college level. An average sized older house, with some land somewhere up north if it doesn't become ridiculously expensive by then wife, three kids, maybe four. ... oh yeah and a huge bushy red beard IF WE ARE LUCKY, YOU WILL NOT OUTGROW THE LIBERALISM THAT KEEPS THE WHITE MAN IMPOTENT AND UNREALISTIC ACADEMIA IS OUR BEST FRIEND. FROM THE PROTECTED SUBURBS, THEY DISABLE ANYONE WITH COMMON SENSE. AND I'S PIMPIN' BLACK POWER! |
____________________________________ [Mar 8,2008 2:02pm - corpus NLI ""] still burning trees, still jamming, makin some good paper.. |
____________________________________________ [Mar 8,2008 5:18pm - infect sli sli sli ""] living in the middle of the woods, making moonshine, growing pot and mushrooms, writing music, hopefully i will have a sick muscle car and a voluptuous nymphomaniac wife. ...either that or dead |
____________________________________ [Mar 8,2008 5:21pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""] Marsi can see the future... [img] |
________________________________________ [Mar 9,2008 12:16am - DestroyYouAlot ""] Apparently with a time machine, if I'm coming back to hang out with 10-years-in-the-past self. |
___________________________________ [Mar 9,2008 11:45am - dreadkill ""] raising a 10 year old |
_______________________________ [Mar 9,2008 11:49am - Troll ""] [img] ssdd |
__________________________________ [Mar 9,2008 11:50am - succubus ""] fleshfries said:I'll most likely be dead. ditto |
__________________________________ [Mar 9,2008 11:51am - succubus ""] dreadkill said:raising a 10 year old are you serious?? congrats if so! |
__________________________________ [Mar 9,2008 11:54am - brian_dc ""] For all I care I could be hanging by my neck in a fucking closet |
______________________________________ [Mar 9,2008 12:08pm - the_reverend ""] this sounds a lot like stuffwhitepeoplelike. |
___________________________________ [Mar 9,2008 12:10pm - dreadkill ""] succubus said: dreadkill said:raising a 10 year old are you serious?? congrats if so! i am serious, and thanks ![]() |
_________________________________ [Mar 9,2008 11:34pm - sxealex ""] lol that sovetek looks almost photoshopped in for some reason |
___________________________________ [Mar 10,2008 1:03am - contagion ""] filthy rich would be nice but who knows |
_______________________________ [Mar 10,2008 5:45am - Troll ""] sxealex said:lol that sovetek looks almost photoshopped in for some reason Nah, just bad lighting. Look like it was about to fall off though! :shocked: |
_________________________________ [Mar 10,2008 5:58am - anthny ""] I don't know what I'll be up to but I hope I will be financially secure enough to own a beautiful single cut 5 or 6 string Fodera. Something like this: [img] [img] And one of these bad larrys: [img] |
___________________________________________ [Mar 10,2008 10:00am - largefreakatzero ""] Friendless, penniless, and plotting to blow something up. JK, hopefully retired. |
_________________________________________ [Mar 10,2008 10:07am - DestroyYouAlot ""] largefreakatzero said:Friendless, penniless, and plotting to blow something up. JK, hopefully retired. Six of one, half a dozen of the other... |
___________________________________________ [Mar 10,2008 10:08am - largefreakatzero ""] tr00 dat. |
_____________________________________ [Mar 10,2008 10:56am - immortal13 ""] If not dead, then still playing bass, still listening to metal, still plotting to shoot a firework at Atlas Fireworks for the 4th of July, and more than likely stuck masturbating in your tool shed. |
_________________________________________ [Mar 10,2008 11:03am - DestroyYouAlot ""] immortal13 said:still plotting to shoot a firework at Atlas Fireworks for the 4th of July LOLZERS |
_____________________________________ [Mar 10,2008 11:32am - immortal13 ""] Man, my buddy Doug and I have been wanting to do this for years. It will be the ultimate firework show, and most likely level that corner of Amherst. We'd probably be better off using a loooong ass trail of gunpowder than doing a drive by. Less chance of us dying, you know? |
_______________________________ [Mar 10,2008 12:55pm - Yeti ""] RichHorror said:Being realistic is healthy. give this man a ceegar. in 10 years i hope to be very far from this place, hopefully somewhere in Europe or Australia. i still won't have a clue what i want to do with myself, but at least if i'm not here it won't be so bad. single, no kids, free to do as i please. |