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red chord

[Oct 24,2002 11:42pm - george  ""]
am i the only one that thinks the red chord isnt that great? i mean they're drummer is awesome, but hassan i sabbah and the holy hand grenades were much better than the red chord. and anyways, hardcore is fucking stupid, i'd prefer that they were a straigh up death metal band than having all these jud jud breakdowns and hardcore beats. i've heard all that shit already, im so sick of it. different strokes for different folks i guess.
[Oct 25,2002 6:20am - RustedAngel ""]
i like the red chord, but thats probably why i don't listen to them much.
[Oct 25,2002 8:30am - the_reverend ""]
well, I really really like the red chord. The music isn't just the normal jug jug and break downs. It's got quick change ups that I like AND you can understand all basically all the words.

but as you say "different strokes". That's how I feel about music too. I mean, at skatefest, Glassjaw (as well as many other bands that played that show) who I don't really like, but I figured that others did like it and stuff so I took pictures and gave them a chance.
and I still have fun at tons of different show (metal, hardcore, metalcore, se hxcx, grind, etc...). it's funny when the metal kids make fun of me for going to "tough guy" show or the hardcore kids make fun of me for going to a "long hair" show or the emo kids just stand around being emaciated and bitching about girls they talked to in school, but I just love loud, hard, aggressive music especially where the crowds go crazy.
[Oct 29,2002 9:54pm - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
hmmmm. this chugga chugga breakdows and such originated from death metal if you didnt know. actually more death metal does it. Devourment, Vomit Remnants, digorge, dying fetus, repudiliation, hell even suffocation did it. I mean its cool and stuff, but just realize that there are more forms to death metal. keep it brutal and rock on
[Apr 25,2012 10:47am - The Rev Chord  ""]
[Apr 25,2012 2:07pm - Ahhnold Brownschwagger  ""]
stop whinning
[Apr 25,2012 7:58pm - STLUCIFUREVA ""]
I have played with them a few times, and even though i'm not into that genre of what they play , they were a very tight and solid band. they were good people as well .

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