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[Jan 21,2004 10:23am - litacore ""]

this looks neat.

The new issue of Terrorizer has a very worthwhile feature on this puppy.

Dave Grohl likes Venom. He wins a zillion princess points right there.

Cronos boo-yah!:satancross:
[Jan 21,2004 10:49am - moran ""]
This does look good. When does it come out?
[Jan 21,2004 10:52am - litacore ""]
[Jan 21,2004 10:54am - succubus ""]
dave grohl get bonus points from me too!

[Jan 21,2004 10:55am - litacore ""]
he's not hard on the eyes either

Nirvana was a guilty pleasure of mine when Bleach first came out
[Jan 21,2004 10:56am - litacore ""]
oops, but he didn't play on that one
[Jan 21,2004 10:57am - noosebomb666 ""]
what is this a Dave Grohl death metal project or something??
[Jan 21,2004 10:59am - subjugate ""]
woooooooo metals popular again, time to change format i'm sure he like metal and all and i know he has teamed up with some metal heavy weights but lets not forget where he came from folks (nirvana and foo fighers = gag) he's cashing in and its just that simple

same with that fag from coal chamber
[Jan 21,2004 11:00am - litacore ""]
it's more heavy than death-y, per se.

one of the twinkletoes from Zwan collaborated on it, so I was like ... umm, no thanks

but then I read up on it and apparently it took a lot of people by surprise. So . . . I'm there
[Jan 21,2004 11:01am - succubus ""]

sorry but i'm a long time dave fan
[Jan 21,2004 11:02am - the_reverend ""]
I think he needs to be shot in the face.
[Jan 21,2004 11:03am - litacore ""]
I know, I was like . . . why, he had an art-deco heart on his last album cover

but apparently this's been in the works for a few years, and before Nirvana he was in hardcore bands like Scream and shit

I dunno, I still have to hear it before I come to his defense 100%
[Jan 21,2004 11:17am - noosebomb666 ""]
It might be worth it just to hear some of the guests. Cronos, T.G.W., etc.

[Jan 21,2004 11:19am - subjugate ""]
i agree

the_reverend said:I think he needs to be shot in the face.

[Jan 21,2004 11:19am - litacore ""]

"circle of the tyrants-UNNNN!"
[Jan 21,2004 11:20am - succubus ""]
subjugate said:i agree

the_reverend said:I think he needs to be shot in the face.


[Jan 21,2004 11:22am - litacore ""]

for me to POOP on!
[Feb 4,2004 12:38pm - litacore ""]
OK, I detest Headbangers Ball but this Saturday when Probot's on it sounds like they're going to show a shitload of 80's thrash videos. Those Voivod ones off of "Hatross" were really cool.
[Feb 4,2004 12:39pm - litacore ""]
Oh, release date Feb. 10, BTW

the CD is worth it for the Cronos song alone

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