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New Cryptopsy tracks are absolute garbage (links inside)

[Mar 11,2008 2:07pm - kevinthesprigg ""]


Wow. I had a feeling it was going to suck.....but wow. This shit is beyond terrible.
[Mar 11,2008 2:13pm - bradmann ""]
i don't want my opinion of cryptopsy ruined although it kind of already was by this thread:
[Mar 11,2008 2:15pm - mOe ""]
wow, i figured the change wouldn't be THIS extreme but wow...hope they have fun NOT gaining a new/bigger fan base with this stuff
[Mar 11,2008 2:15pm - ZenErik ""]
Is this real? I'm listening to the first track and figuring this has to be a joke, haha.
[Mar 11,2008 2:19pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I'll take your word for it and not waste my time listening. Stupid Canadians.
[Mar 11,2008 2:20pm - kevinthesprigg ""]
I assumed it was a joke at first too, but there's a couple moments where the drumming really shows to be Flo. So unless Flo has started drumming for a new band that sounds like a Poison the Well and Incubus trying to play death metal, then this seems to be the new Cryptopsy.
[Mar 11,2008 2:21pm - mOe ""]
yea, i doubted until i heard the drums too
[Mar 11,2008 2:22pm - LongDeadGod ""]
[Mar 11,2008 3:18pm - Yeti ""]
good. i've always hated Cryptopsy, and now i hate them more.
[Mar 11,2008 3:19pm - mOe ""]
having something to hate is what makes us human, my friend
[Mar 11,2008 3:21pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Mar 11,2008 3:26pm - archaeon ""]
i expected this be bad but not THIS bad.
[Mar 11,2008 3:31pm - mOe ""]
i just dont see this stuff appealing to ANYONE
[Mar 11,2008 3:34pm - W3 nli  ""]

mOe said:i just dont see this stuff appealing to ANYONE

hold on, i got Ozzfest on the phone
[Mar 11,2008 3:34pm - kevinthesprigg ""]
They really should have ended "Cryptopsy" and started something under a new banner. Whatever they would have called it would have gotten just as much press.
[Mar 11,2008 4:06pm - GRnli  ""]
Mudvayne called... and they want there song back
[Mar 11,2008 4:18pm - Hungtableed  ""]
Gay. I'm not surprised though because their last CD was a complete disappointment.
[Mar 11,2008 4:23pm - archaeon ""]
yeah but that was listenable this is the worst thing ever
[Mar 11,2008 4:29pm - Blue ""]
[Mar 11,2008 4:30pm - W3 nli  ""]

archaeon said:yeah but that was listenable this is the worst thing ever

c'mon gawy worst thing ever, there are many many things that are worse then this. this however is just complete and total fail.

damn cancucks :middlefinger:
[Mar 11,2008 4:48pm - brian_dc ""]

what the fuck!?
[Mar 11,2008 5:16pm - fuckbag  ""]
this is not cryptopsy
[Mar 11,2008 5:17pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
shit will not load on my computer
[Mar 11,2008 5:21pm - fuckbag  ""]
it sound a lot like your old band, you might like it. : 0
[Mar 11,2008 5:23pm - handinjury ""]
This is as lame as Carcass's Swansong.
[Mar 11,2008 5:29pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

fuckbag said:it sound a lot like your old band, you might like it. : 0

If by my old band you mean the sweatband that I tie up my balls so I cum in your mother's eyes, then yes, BALL COCK FICK DICK TUG.
[Mar 11,2008 5:30pm - anthny  ""]
What a shame. If they were gonna sell out so hard couldn't they have at least gotten a decent production job? The guitar tone on this is utter shit.
[Mar 11,2008 5:32pm - watchmaker666 ""]

fuckbag said:it sound a lot like your old band, you might like it. : 0

you have to admit that was a good burn
[Mar 11,2008 5:32pm - archaeon ""]
sounds unmastered to me.
[Mar 11,2008 5:38pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

What the fuck, did they get in a horrible van accident and win a bunch of money or something?
[Mar 11,2008 5:39pm - Blue ""]

archaeon said:sounds unmastered to me.

they sound totally unmixed to me.
[Mar 11,2008 5:41pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

Blue said:
archaeon said:sounds unmastered to me.

they sound totally unmixed to me.

Sounds unwritten to me.
[Mar 11,2008 5:42pm - W3 nli  ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:GAH!

What the fuck, did they get in a horrible van accident and win a bunch of money or something?

[Mar 11,2008 5:56pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
...And Then You'll Suck
[Mar 11,2008 6:07pm - pam nli  ""]

Yeti said:good. i've always hated Cryptopsy, and now i hate them more.

BACKED. Band sucks.
[Mar 11,2008 6:12pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

watchmaker666 said:
fuckbag said:it sound a lot like your old band, you might like it. : 0

you have to admit that was a good burn

Oh yeah, I mean, it is, but I have no idea what this shit sounds like so I can't laugh with...

Also, I imagine it can't possibly sound like my old band, so it would be funnier if it actually did.
[Mar 11,2008 6:41pm - porphyria  ""]
the official funeral for cryptopsy is being held here:
[Mar 11,2008 7:08pm - Dankill  ""]
I can't wrap my head around this. Seriously, this is one of the worst and most depressing sell outs of a band that used to rule that I've ever seen.
Flo still has his chops which sadly confirms that this musical abortion is the real thing.
I don't even want to know the shit storm that would face them on the Summer Slaughter Tour this summer when they play these god awful songs.
[Mar 11,2008 7:09pm - dertoxia ""]
hahah they are getting absolutely ripped apart on the smn boards. this is amazing
[Mar 11,2008 7:11pm - SlyATNFAC ""]
[Mar 11,2008 7:18pm - Dankill  ""]
[Mar 11,2008 7:19pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
this is disgusting
[Mar 11,2008 7:20pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]

Dankill said:[img]

ha! yes
[Mar 11,2008 7:26pm - ZenErik ""]
Is the 2nd track as bad/worse than the first? I still haven't listened to the 2nd one.
[Mar 11,2008 7:30pm - jebus_crispex ""]
Wait... isn't that girl the keyboard player? I don't hear any keyboards in this shit (and it really is shit). Oh well, at least we'll always have their older material but this definitely makes me not want to see them at the Summer Slaughter Tour. What a shame.
[Mar 11,2008 7:34pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
How the mighty have fallen!
[Mar 11,2008 7:42pm - swinesack nli  ""]
holy gay, well what do you expect, look at that douche in the middle of that pic. lol!
[Mar 11,2008 8:10pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
I hereby declare a grand "FUCK YOU" sit-down and back-turning for their set at the Worcester stop on the Summer Slaughter.
[Mar 11,2008 8:12pm - Blue ""]
ill protest by leaving after psycroptic.
[Mar 11,2008 8:14pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I remember when cryptopsy played with Dimmu Borgir and Krisiun in 2002, and they were a bunch of lumberjack-looking motherfuckers in flannel shirts and shit. That was when they were a real band.
[Mar 11,2008 8:15pm - Blue ""]
that was such a good show. was lacroix still singing for them then?
[Mar 11,2008 8:17pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
Why not disrespect them like they've disrespected their fans? I'll hand the singer a handwritten note saying "I shit on your art." Any of you at the Fantomas show at Toad's Place 8 or so years ago will vouch for me.
[Mar 11,2008 8:18pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

Blue said:that was such a good show. was lacroix still singing for them then?

I don't remember who was singing at that show, but it sure as hell wasn't Lord Worm.
[Mar 11,2008 8:27pm - Dankill  ""]

DaveFromTheGrave said:I remember when cryptopsy played with Dimmu Borgir and Krisiun in 2002, and they were a bunch of lumberjack-looking motherfuckers in flannel shirts and shit. That was when they were a real band.

That was such a great show. I'm pretty sure Lacrox was still with them at the time. I'm just glad I got to see them when they didn't suck and with all three vocalists. hahaha
[Mar 11,2008 8:28pm - sever ""]

wtf happened to them. this isnt cryptopsy.

i refuse to believe that my beloved cryptopsy has turned into this garbage.
[Mar 11,2008 8:30pm - W3 nli  ""]
im gonna shit my pants laughing if its all a big joke so people will stop looking for something to leak from the actual record
[Mar 11,2008 8:31pm - Blue ""]
im kind of waiting for that myself. this shit is too absurd to really believe.
[Mar 11,2008 8:32pm - W3 nli  ""]
i mean i dont know their sense of humor but id totally do soemthing like that to fuck with fans. here's to hoping its a joke
[Mar 11,2008 8:37pm - Hungtableed  ""]
Prisoned, immoval veal
Tenderized husk of skin and bones
Fed fecal scraps that dogs won't even eat
Malnutrition amongst our people

[Mar 11,2008 8:53pm - Max nli  ""]
TABARNACK! wow this is the worst fucking thing I've heard in a long time. I cant believe this is coming from a band who put out None so Vile and Blasphemy Made Flesh. This band used to be my main influential writing influence. what a bunch of assholes.
[Mar 11,2008 10:16pm - tomxnli  ""]

i am going to buy a summer slaughter ticket.
i am going to buy a gun.
i am going to fucking shoot these assholes.

what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk. None So Vile and Whisper Supremacy are two of my favorite death metal albums ever, i get so pumped listening to them i almost enter a god damn trance. and now this? i cant believe this shit.

Cryptopsy RIP
[Mar 11,2008 10:56pm - sxealex ""]
hahahaha WHAT?!?!?!?! wtf is this?
[Mar 11,2008 11:07pm - NIGGER ""]
[Mar 11,2008 11:14pm - swinesack nli  ""]

this really isn't a big shock to me, just sad to see another giant fall. cryptopsy stopped being cryptopsy when Levasseur left. he was the heart and genuis of the band. then flo took over to showcase his drumming and now this is a sorry attempt to inch toward mainstream acceptance. all giants fall, look at Satyricon and Dillinger. look at metallica for chrissakes.
[Mar 11,2008 11:15pm - NIGGER ""]

[Mar 12,2008 12:46am - craig nli  ""]
i just lost my faith in the purity of metal. nothing is sacred anymore
[Mar 12,2008 12:53am - sxealex ""]
i expected something stupid... but this is fuckin nuts
[Mar 12,2008 12:57am - sxealex ""]
some of this sounds like cave in....
[Mar 12,2008 1:02am - ZenErik ""]
Cryptopsy found Jesus.
[Mar 12,2008 1:04am - kevinthesprigg ""]
I am normally against heckling...but this really makes me want to go to summer slaughter and throw things at them.
[Mar 12,2008 1:10am - mulch  ""]
hey look on the brite side now we can all say our bands are better and heavier than cryptopsy!!!
[Mar 12,2008 1:13am - swamplorddvm ""]
Worse than I thought it would be.

This is alot worse than what Dissection, Kalmah, Slayer or Children of Bodom did. and as bad as what metallica did.

Another Metal band infected by money.
I don't want to hear that "experimenting" bull shit.
[Mar 12,2008 1:31am - neverpurified ""]
They had a good thing going on w/mike DiSalvo, then they released that shitstorm of an album "once was not"

i was still hoping that they'd come back from that with a decent album, i guess not..

well, im off to listen to "whisper supremacy" and dream of better days
[Mar 12,2008 1:45am - i_am_lazy  ""]

[Mar 12,2008 2:39am - sxealex ""]

mulch said:hey look on the brite side now we can all say our bands are better and heavier than cryptopsy!!!
[Mar 12,2008 9:01am - dysenteryvokills NLI  ""]
this cant really be cryptropsy. i donty believe it. how????? is there like info on this that thats there new album to be released and stuff.
[Mar 12,2008 9:50am - My_Dying_Bride ""]

[Mar 12,2008 10:28am - contagion ""]
i thought that i was listening to incubus for at least 45 seconds
[Mar 12,2008 11:59am - craig nli  ""]

My_Dying_Bride said:

HAHAHA thats fuckin awesome. if cryptopsy sounded like that id be alittle less pissed.
[Mar 12,2008 12:32pm - fishcakes ""]
this has to be a joke, please tell me this is a joke!
[Mar 12,2008 12:47pm - Aegathis ""]
whats even more fucked up is they might actually play this shit and the old stuff live
[Mar 12,2008 1:30pm - Pires ""]
there's NO WAY this is the real deal...

no fucking way...
[Mar 12,2008 2:11pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Can't wait until a DIE-HARD FAN shows up and starts telling us off.
[Mar 12,2008 2:17pm - DIE-HARD FAN  ""]
This is so good. I love the voices at the beginning of that one song. The bitch is pretty damn hot. That ups their musical appeal a shitload in my book. This is the kind of music I love! It's heavy, brutal, slammy, tech, and so diverse. Fuckin' awesome. All you haters can shut the fuck up, man. Just listen to that! This is Unearth at their best!
[Mar 12,2008 2:26pm - kevinthesprigg ""]
Man, Flo really fucked this band to hell. From what I gather, after Jon Levasseur left, he become the grand wizard of sorts and with that, the band went to shit. He got Lord Worm to write tamer lyrics than normal for Once Was Not, he had him do those terrible bark vocals as to "not alienate the Disalvo fans", fired Lord Worm after they'd starting writing for a new record, got a guitar player from a dumpus metalcore band to replace Jon Leavasseur, got a vocalist from a dumpus metalcore band to replace Lord Worm, got a goth chick to look pretty in press photos, and then spews forth this complete trash music.

I guess Flo has been defending this stuff by saying that it's "pre-production". Yeah...production doesn't change shit songs into good songs.

I have no idea who they're trying to appeal to. It's not even good for metalcore/nu-metal/whatever the fuck it's trying to be. It is complete and utter shit music. With this new "direction", they've given a big middle finger to their entire fanbase. Fuck Cryptopsy.
[Mar 12,2008 2:41pm - W3 nli  ""]
i know someone said it already but this is better then when metallica soldout
[Mar 12,2008 2:43pm - ouchdrummer ""]
wow, nothing that hasnt been said in this thread but, flo was one of my biggest influences... ouch..... this is absolutely horrible.
[Mar 12,2008 2:44pm - SacNLI  ""]

W3%20nli said:i know someone said it already but this is better then when metallica soldout

i thought it was a well known fact that bob rock anally raped metallica into different people via lars ulrich.
[Mar 12,2008 2:51pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

SacNLI said:
W3%20nli said:i know someone said it already but this is better then when metallica soldout

i thought it was a well known fact that bob rock anally raped metallica into different people via lars ulrich.

No, the martians replaced them with pod people. They killed Cliff because his bell bottoms reflected the hypno-rays.
[Mar 12,2008 3:08pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Let's look on the bright side, the new Meshuggah is officially out today. Not only do they have seniority; they've never once compromised their art for commercial gain. Not all great bands sacrifice their musical integrity. Slipknotsy are a disgrace.
[Mar 12,2008 3:13pm - the_reverend ""]
I would say that beside Nothing, meshuggah has gotten less commercially viable. but I stick by my convictions that nothing was a nu-metal cd.
[Mar 12,2008 3:20pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
"I would say that beside Nothing, meshuggah has gotten less commercially viable. but I stick by my convictions that nothing was a nu-metal cd."

I have to disagree with you Rev. If anything, "Nothing" is their least accessible; it's definitely Meshuggah's Doom album. Esoteric lyrics, crawling riffs, and drumming that's almost disorienting. Those rhythmic patterns are insane!
[Mar 12,2008 3:28pm - Yeti ""]
i have to agree with Rev, i thought Nothing was so lackluster. it had cool song writing, but the songs were just....well...meh. I upped the ante, Catch 33 brought more experimentation, and this one is like all of them smashed into one.
[Mar 12,2008 3:39pm - ZenErik ""]
Nothing was basically one long song. WILL THE QUARTER NOTE CHINA HITS EVER END?!
[Mar 12,2008 3:41pm - deathchick ""]
is there another link to hear these tracks? those aren't working on my computer.
[Mar 12,2008 3:54pm - orgymf@work  ""]
what in the blue fuck is this shitty music?!?!?!
where the fuck is worm?
who the fuck is the goth broad?
why do they look like skinny puppy fans??

ya know....cephallic carnage has become more and more metalcore and less deathgrind as time passes, and that was annoying enough....but cryptopsy?????????

i can't fuckin take this man
[Mar 12,2008 11:18pm - NIGGER ""]

swamplorddvm said:Another Metal band infected by money.
I don't want to hear that "experimenting" bull shit.


[Mar 12,2008 11:32pm - neverpurified ""]
when you think about it though....lord worm was terrible on "once was not", even blasphemy made flesh had terrible vocals. this band was at their best with DiSalvo
[Mar 13,2008 12:12am - tyler nli  ""]
hahahahahahaha wow, this has ozzfest 2001 written all over it
[Mar 13,2008 12:22am - metalguy ""]
Shit like this just isn't fair! This is Metallica all over again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Mar 13,2008 12:40am - eric ""]

Aegathis said:whats even more fucked up is they might actually play this shit and the old stuff live

ya how the fuck is that gonna work??????

no old shit, 35 minute drum solo
[Mar 13,2008 12:45am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
This sounds almost Nu-Metal.
[Mar 13,2008 2:58am - stabbedinthehead ""]
[Mar 13,2008 7:57am - Samantha ""]

ZenErik said:Is this real? I'm listening to the first track and figuring this has to be a joke, haha.

I was thinking exactly the same thing. Seriously. Is this a joke? It doesn't even sound like the same band.
[Mar 13,2008 9:01am - pam nli  ""]

metalguy said:Shit like this just isn't fair! This is Metallica all over again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Except Metallica actually used to be good.
[Mar 13,2008 10:15am - immortal13 ""]
Seriously, what happened to the none so vile days?
[Mar 13,2008 10:18am - aril  ""]
this may possibly go down as one of the worst evolutions a metal band has ever taken.
[Mar 13,2008 10:19am - HOBBIE ROCKER  ""]
[Mar 13,2008 10:21am - brian_dc ""]
[Mar 13,2008 9:01am - pam nli ]

metalguy said:Shit like this just isn't fair! This is Metallica all over again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Except Metallica actually used to be good.

I am a fan of Pam.
[Mar 13,2008 10:22am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

pam%20nli said:
metalguy said:Shit like this just isn't fair! This is Metallica all over again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Except Metallica actually used to be good.

Pam, you and I are no longer friends.

Ok, we're friends again.
[Mar 13,2008 10:43am - Yeti ""]

pam%20nli said:
metalguy said:Shit like this just isn't fair! This is Metallica all over again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Except Metallica actually used to be good.

i would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
[Mar 13,2008 11:23am - corpus_colostomy ""]
the world is spinning backwards.
[Mar 13,2008 11:27am - MikeOfDecrepitude nli  ""]
Cryptopsy was never good? The musicianship on Whisper Supremacy kills Metallica. At least Flo isn't a hack drummer like Sars Getrich.
[Mar 13,2008 11:35am - mOe ""]

ZenErik said:Nothing was basically one long song. WILL THE QUARTER NOTE CHINA HITS EVER END?!

Straws Pulled at Random = 10/10 song
[Mar 18,2008 2:14am - the_reverend ""]
I can't wait for thier hit song "we're too sexy for lord worm"
[Mar 18,2008 2:37am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm sitting here all drunk and maudlin listening to old non-sucking Cryptopsy and bumming out hard. Just thankful I got to see them play NSV one last time.
[Mar 18,2008 3:29am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 18,2008 3:33am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 18,2008 3:38am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I heartily condemn anyone who let themselves have ANYTHING to do with the production of those 2 tracks I just listened to, never mind the fact that it's shitfucking Cryptopsy for fuck's sake.
[Mar 18,2008 3:40am - the_reverend ""]
it sounds fake....
[Mar 18,2008 4:34pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Mar 18,2008 4:45pm - brian_dc ""]
it's pre-production

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