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Cool Air

[Mar 20,2008 3:03pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
I'm looking to make this into a short film for my school's film festival, anyone interested in helping...especially looking for the lead to have a strong narrative voice as this film will rely heavily on narration.:sctachy:
[Mar 20,2008 3:26pm - Kinslayer  ""]
No! Let's do my fild adaptation of The Hound!

I have a script and screenplay WRITTEN...

and I know Final Cut Pro like WOAH.
[Mar 20,2008 3:27pm - Kinslayer  ""]

Cool Air has been adapted to film already BTW...(The Hound has once as well but not very well)
[Mar 20,2008 3:33pm - thuringwethil ""]
you guys should check this book out if you haven't already


Lurker in the Lobby: A Guide to Lovecraftian Cinema

Andrew, we have it in the Dedham Library.

[Mar 20,2008 3:35pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]

Kinslayer said:No! Let's do my fild adaptation of The Hound!

I have a script and screenplay WRITTEN...

and I know Final Cut Pro like WOAH.

Well it's mostly a school thing, but I am sure my teacher wouldn't mind...the only thing is we only have 6 weeks to film and edit a film, which is why I dumped my idea of doing colour out of space and chose cool air.

and wasn't that cool air thing some really shitty adaptation on some compilation box set?
[Mar 20,2008 3:35pm - SW  ""]
what is the story about?
[Mar 20,2008 3:36pm - thuringwethil ""]
[Mar 20,2008 3:44pm - Kinslayer  ""]
It was on the Lurker in the Lobby, Best of HP Lovecrat Film est V compilation...same with the Hound. They are both really poorly done but there is a 'legit' moive that was based on Cool Air:


Larissa, I have that book; thanks though...

[Mar 20,2008 4:14pm - SW  ""]
that was a good read(cool air). i like lovecraft. i haven't read a lot from him, but what i have is great.
so do you need actors? where would you do it?
[Mar 20,2008 4:42pm - Kinslayer  ""]

[Mar 20,2008 6:11pm - SW  ""]
[Mar 20,2008 10:01pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
It's set in New York but I am going to be liberal and do it in Salem, for outside shots...the few there are. I will be paying homage to his love of federal style buildings...the interior shots will be in some random apartment..most likely mine
[Mar 20,2008 10:01pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
I own three collections of his story but have yet to read the hound...I think

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