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[Jan 22,2004 4:58pm - DysenteryVokills ""]
Whats up everyone!

Ok heres the latest scoop to whoever cares. The split cd artwork is done and the track listings for both bands are down and available to look at at www.amputatedvein.com (under releases). We will most likely be recording for this int he next two weeks or as soon as our money gets here. It is scheduled to be realesed by early march/april of 2004.

Also we are ready to play shows we just need 1-2 week notice (some exceptions can be made). SO PLEASE BOOK US IF YOU GOT AN OPENING.

thanks everyone! keep it brutal!:NEWHORNS:
[Jan 23,2004 1:40am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
heyyyy... if im recording on this... let me know when you guys are practicing so i can practice too. ill be sure to make my last hurrah with Dysentery a memorable one.
[Jan 23,2004 10:20am - XmikeX ""]
who's the split with? haha shit i would have gotten lettersfromthedead back together by myself just to do a split with dysentery.

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