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free Dr. Pepper for everyone in the US should Axl Rose finally release "Chinese Democracy"

[Mar 26,2008 10:42am - Yeti ""]

[Mar 26,2008 10:45am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
hahah what the fuck??
[Mar 26,2008 11:05am - thuringwethil ""]
who gives a flying fuck about him anymore?

get the new Leviathan instead.
[Mar 26,2008 11:16am - metal_church101 ""]
I can't believe that Buckethead lowered himself to even be involved musically at that level. It's like Steve Vai lowering his standards and playing for Def Leppard.
[Mar 26,2008 11:53am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'd rather pay money for the Dr Pepper than listen to the album.
[Mar 26,2008 11:57am - C.DEAD  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i'd rather pay money for the Dr Pepper than listen to the album.

[Mar 26,2008 12:00pm - the_reverend ""]
the link no worky for me.

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