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peanut butter oreos

[Mar 27,2008 3:41pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
I was at the grocery store yesterday day walking down the cookie aisle thinking "I sure would like something with peanut butter." then I thought about how I hadn't eaten oreos in a year and said " if there is such thing as peanut butter oreos I'm going to shit myself" sure enough...they had them.

About to open up those suckers right now.

p.s reese's peanut butter does not taste like their peanut butter cups.
[Mar 27,2008 3:42pm - PiresNLI  ""]
fucking great shit...
[Mar 27,2008 3:43pm - scumfuck ""]
so you did in fact shit yourself right there in the cookie isle correct?
[Mar 27,2008 3:43pm - xmikex ""]
Peanut Butter oreos are what God eats on his lunch break. The only thing greater are chocolate covered oreos.
[Mar 27,2008 3:45pm - dreadkill ""]

scumfuck said:so you did in fact shit yourself right there in the cookie isle correct?
[Mar 27,2008 3:46pm - dreadkill ""]

xmikex said:The only thing greater are chocolate covered oreos.
and those are what satan eats on his lunch break
[Mar 27,2008 3:46pm - DYA/NLI  ""]

xmikex said:Peanut Butter oreos are what God eats on his lunch break. The only thing greater are white chocolate covered oreos.


(I love when /r/ gets hungry. *snort*)
[Mar 27,2008 3:55pm - dreadkill ""]
white chocolate is just dried up jizz. blechs.
[Mar 27,2008 3:58pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]

scumfuck said:so you did in fact shit yourself right there in the cookie isle correct?

No, but I did in fact lay a dinosaur egg when I got home that came well above the high tide mark in the toilet.
[Mar 27,2008 3:59pm - PiresNLI  ""]

Y_Ddraig_Goch said:
scumfuck said:so you did in fact shit yourself right there in the cookie isle correct?

No, but I did in fact lay a dinosaur egg when I got home that came well above the high tide mark in the toilet.

am i the only one who loves seeing that???
[Mar 27,2008 4:02pm - ZJD ""]
I always just ate regular oreos with peanut butter on them. This is actually even better than it sounds.
[Mar 27,2008 4:51pm - MassOfTwoSlits ""]
Golden oreos are also quite swell.
[Mar 27,2008 6:41pm - scumfuck ""]
this thread is heading in one of two directions, either cookies or epic shits...i vote epic shits
[Mar 27,2008 7:04pm - Karma-Enema  ""]
[Mar 27,2008 7:11pm - xmikex ""]

DYA/NLI said:
xmikex said:Peanut Butter oreos are what God eats on his lunch break. The only thing greater are white chocolate covered oreos.


(I love when /r/ gets hungry. *snort*)

I accept this fix.
[Mar 27,2008 7:13pm - dreadkill ""]

MassOfTwoSlits said:Golden oreos are also quite swell.
those look good. haven't tried em yet.
[Mar 27,2008 7:13pm - dreadkill ""]
i like grasshoppers. do they still make those? the oreo looking things with the mint in the middle?
[Mar 27,2008 8:43pm - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]

Y_Ddraig_Goch said:

p.s reese's peanut butter does not taste like their peanut butter cups.

I second that.... the p-nut butter tastes fucking bland and shitty. If they sold jars of p-nut butter that is in the cups I would be fat and diabetic.
[Mar 27,2008 8:50pm - dr. sphincto  ""]
[Mar 28,2008 12:53am - Grizloch ""]

ZJD said:I always just ate regular oreos with peanut butter on them. This is actually even better than it sounds.
this is WAY better than peanut butter oreos and I will kill anyone who disagrees

also, if you eat any peanut butter other than peter pan I will kill you

I am not passionate about many things in life, but peanut butter is one thing that I JUST DONT FUCK AROUND WITH
[Mar 28,2008 1:19am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I vote cookie shits.
[Mar 28,2008 6:17pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]

Grizloch said:
ZJD said:I always just ate regular oreos with peanut butter on them. This is actually even better than it sounds.
this is WAY better than peanut butter oreos and I will kill anyone who disagrees

also, if you eat any peanut butter other than peter pan I will kill you

I am not passionate about many things in life, but peanut butter is one thing that I JUST DONT FUCK AROUND WITH


If I ever left america I would need ten thousand jars of peanut butter...they don't eat it anywhere else. what's wrong with the world???
[Mar 28,2008 11:51pm - Pires ""]

Y_Ddraig_Goch said:
Grizloch said:
ZJD said:I always just ate regular oreos with peanut butter on them. This is actually even better than it sounds.
this is WAY better than peanut butter oreos and I will kill anyone who disagrees

also, if you eat any peanut butter other than peter pan I will kill you

I am not passionate about many things in life, but peanut butter is one thing that I JUST DONT FUCK AROUND WITH


If I ever left america I would need ten thousand jars of peanut butter...they don't eat it anywhere else. what's wrong with the world???

they're obviously inferior to america...
[Mar 29,2008 12:58am - ancient master  ""]
yeah they eat vegemite, marmite and shit like that
but they also eat nutella, which is awesome
[Mar 29,2008 1:11am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]

ancient%20master said:yeah they eat vegemite, marmite and shit like that
but they also eat nutella, which is awesome

blasphemy, nutella is the entity which seeks to replace the unhealthy god that peanut butter is!!!

I've never had it though
[Mar 29,2008 1:31am - Grizloch ""]
this teddy bear peanut butter does not please me, it is bland and less spiritually fulfilling than peter pan, make no mistake, I will kill you
[Mar 29,2008 7:15am - MassOfTwoSlits ""]
Teddie is made in Everett!
Black power?
[Mar 29,2008 10:49am - Retard  ""]
Try fried Oreos. Insane.
[Mar 29,2008 10:53am - immortal13 ""]
When it comes to Peanut Butter, I go with Skippy. I don't care if it's creamy, chunky, extra chunky or what, it's still delicious and extremely satisfying and that's all that matters.
[Mar 29,2008 12:13pm - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]
[Mar 30,2008 1:04am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
I was so depressed today...my girlfriend is gone for a week, I just got out of work at 1230, I have to go back at 9 am tomorrow, it's an hour drive...and I only have 40 dollars in my bank when I thought I had atleast 200

but then I remembered that I had peanut butter oreos

thanks rttp!

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