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[Jan 23,2004 9:26am - handinjury ""]
Im going sat, is there any where to park??? club parking/on street parking? parking lots?
[Jan 23,2004 9:31am - the_reverend ""]
there is a huge parking lot beside it.
all free.
it's in the basement of a mill building.
[Jan 23,2004 10:01am - litacore ""]
if you're talking about the Malignancy bill the show is 3pm Sunday not Saturday . . . (right?)
[Jan 23,2004 10:03am - the_reverend ""]
yes, malignancy is on sunday th 25th starting sharp at 4pm.
[Jan 23,2004 10:07am - blue.  ""]
i thought it started at 3? now its 4?
[Jan 23,2004 10:08am - the_reverend ""]
doors are at 3pm, show starts EXACTLY at 4pm.
so get there before then.
[Jan 23,2004 10:51am - 5 Minutes Hate  ""]
the_reverend said:show starts EXACTLY at 4pm

Since when do shows ever stick to their schedules?

I'm gonna try to make it down for this one too, our drummer and other guitarist are going! Hopefully I'm feeling better and am up for it.
[Jan 23,2004 10:57am - the_reverend ""]
excellent. you want me to give you some more stickers?
last time, your drummer stayed even for leukorrhae.
[Jan 23,2004 11:00am - succubus ""]
shit..i just hit reply...

my stickers have been ordered..but have not received them yet
[Jan 23,2004 11:16am - 5 Minutes Hate  ""]
the_reverend said:excellent. you want me to give you some more stickers?
last time, your drummer stayed even for leukorrhae.

I'll take more if you want me to! I ran out of the last one's pretty quick. As for my drummer, did you meet his dad at the BS show? He's the coolest, most supportive dude! He's renting an SUV to drive down this sunday and has offered to drive us just about anywhere! It's cool cause he's quit drinking and smoking everything and he's straight up METAL HEAD!!!! :doublehorns:

[Jan 23,2004 12:19pm - handinjury ""]
litacore said:if you're talking about the Malignancy bill the show is 3pm Sunday not Saturday . . . (right?)

Yeah sunday, im there. Im riding up with anoxia, so it should be a good show. Last time i saw malignancy was at the met and their new drummer messed up twice.
[Jan 23,2004 12:21pm - the_reverend ""]
handinjury, could you ask anoxia to bring me another one of those CD?
they cave me one, but I put it at the statoin so I could play it.
I would like one with my pictures in it for my achives.
[Jan 23,2004 4:32pm - ratt_mowe ""]
the_reverend said:starts EXACTLY at 4pm.


rev, have you ever woken up with the zactlies?
[Jan 23,2004 8:10pm - handinjury ""]
the_reverend said:handinjury, could you ask anoxia to bring me another one of those CD?
they cave me one, but I put it at the statoin so I could play it.
I would like one with my pictures in it for my achives.

Not a problem, dave just made sum up.
[Jan 24,2004 11:25am - ratt_mowe ""]
so who's going? show of hands?
[Jan 24,2004 11:27am - Terence ""]
I will go
[Jan 24,2004 11:29am - ratt_mowe ""]
[Jan 24,2004 12:02pm - Terence ""]
well i was actually gonna stay home and watch tv all day.
[Jan 24,2004 12:04pm - ratt_mowe ""]
hmmm could i join you? then we can REALLY be metal, and we'll say we had more important things to do.
[Jan 24,2004 12:06pm - Terence ""]
yes we can also dress up in skirts and listen to hello kitty soundtrack music.
[Jan 24,2004 12:12pm - succubus ""]
umm are rev and i gonna take pics of that instead?
[Jan 24,2004 12:21pm - the_reverend ""]
I so wish that I could find that clip of that little kid singing...
it's on the it will end in pure horror record label site... but I can't find it...
i've wanted it to use it so many times.

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