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Any good grindcore bands in New England?

[Mar 29,2008 12:08pm - MetalThursday ""]
I'm talking about currently active bands in the style of classic Napalm Death, Nasum, Assuck, etc... not bullshit noise with funny song titles passing itself off as grindcore.
[Mar 29,2008 12:09pm - Phillip ""]
this is what new england is lacking
to my knowledge at least
[Mar 29,2008 12:12pm - archaeon ""]
Trap Them is the only band i can think of.
[Mar 29,2008 12:14pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Nadir. They're a towering edifice of violence. A+
[Mar 29,2008 12:14pm - RichHorror ""]
I agree with the bands mentioned and add Suffering Bastard to the list.
[Mar 29,2008 12:27pm - the_reverend ""]
embryonic cryptopathia.
[Mar 29,2008 12:29pm - RichHorror ""]
They are done with shows.
[Mar 29,2008 12:31pm - inject-now ""]
not if its something good enough to play.
[Mar 29,2008 1:19pm - Blue ""]

hive smasher
[Mar 29,2008 2:22pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
UP :yoda:
[Mar 29,2008 2:31pm - MetalThursday ""]
I'm checking out Trap Them right now and it's reminding me more of Entombed
[Mar 29,2008 2:38pm - Blue ""]
trap them is like one third d-beat / one third old school death / one third grind
[Mar 29,2008 2:48pm - MetalThursday ""]
I'm liking it... they got the death 'n roll sound
[Mar 29,2008 2:50pm - Mike_K ""]
I like Hivesmasher a lot.
[Mar 29,2008 3:15pm - unholy_dave ""]
Trap Them = backed. they remind me a lot of Entombed as well. which is fine.
the only band i know of that really sounds like what grindcore is to me is Nadir.
SB are my boys and one of my favorite bands, but they have more of a goregrind thing going on.
[Mar 29,2008 3:36pm - Septic Mountain Fountain  ""]

Blue said:

hive smasher

[Mar 29,2008 3:45pm - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
[Mar 29,2008 3:47pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
[Mar 29,2008 3:48pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]


[Mar 29,2008 4:07pm - Dankill  ""]
Throwing Shrapnel = R.I.P.
[Mar 29,2008 4:26pm - SlyATNFAC ""]
does I destroyer still exist?
[Mar 29,2008 4:47pm - aaron michaelNLI  ""]
Trap Them has a huge grind influence, I Destroyer is excellent, and we(hive smasher) have a big grind and death metal influence.
If The Nightmare Continues was still around I'd vouche for them too.
[Mar 29,2008 5:32pm - brad weymouth  ""]
[Mar 29,2008 5:41pm - rotivore ""]
the best grindcore band was in new england last night......and I hate myself for not going to the show
[Mar 29,2008 6:28pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
Leech Eater
[Mar 29,2008 7:40pm - fishcakes ""]
hey chris, dose B.O.E. want to play the new wave july 11th?
[Mar 30,2008 12:04pm - immortal13 ""]
I know Greg Murphy from Aetherius is doing a grindcore side project but they're just getting started, and I don't remember the name if they even have one.

That being said, with the lack of good grindcore bands around here, anyone wanna start one just for fun?
[Mar 30,2008 12:44pm - MetalThursday ""]
Fish I'm sure we do, I'll email you about it.
[Mar 30,2008 1:00pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
the new wave is my fav joint.
great sound+buckets of high life = win.
[Mar 30,2008 1:22pm - zyklon ""]
Throwing Shrapnel
[Mar 30,2008 1:30pm - fuck logging in  ""]

Mike_Giallo said:Leech Eater

[Mar 30,2008 1:55pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
Black Stool from CT is pretty good... they kinda started out with better song titles than songs but got pretty fucking rad.

and their guitarist is the legitimate Prince of Italy... no shit

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