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I think I'm getting sick yet again

[Apr 2,2008 8:56am - quintessence ""]
Has anyone else been sick like for weeks upon weeks this year!?!?! I can't seem to stay healthy whatsoever. I just got over two weeks of bad strep throat and now I have a fucking cold/flu thing. Before the strep I had a different flu....

Now when people notice me, its not "oh I hope you feel better soon" Its "what the fuck, why are you STILL SICK?!"

I'm at work sitting in my cube. I just want to guzzle Nyquil and go home though.
[Apr 2,2008 9:22am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Apr 2,2008 9:25am - SlyATNFAC ""]
Nyquil sucks, it puts you to sleep but does nothing for your cold.
[Apr 2,2008 9:48am - dreadkill ""]
i missed 4 days of work in one week, then a few weeks later felt worse and missed 2 more days of work. i feel your pain.
[Apr 2,2008 9:53am - the_reverend ""]
from 1994 until 2006, I was sick constantly. constant bronchitis, etc... then I started swimming at the gym and when ever I have a cold, that clears me right up. I've had maybe 2 colds and only needed antibiotics once since then. it's awesome!
[Apr 2,2008 9:54am - quintessence ""]
Today is my friday. After work I'm going home, getting high, playing mass effect and watching trailer park boys until I feel better.
[Apr 2,2008 10:35am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

quintessence said:Today is my friday. After work I'm going home, getting high, playing mass effect and watching trailer park boys until I feel better.

Fuck Community College, lets get get Drunk and Eat Chicken Fingers
[Apr 2,2008 10:37am - Yeti ""]
this is one of the first years that i for the most part have avoided the death. daily exercise and orange juice has kept it at bay. i was violently ill last week for a few days, but i think it was something i ate.
[Apr 2,2008 10:49am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, smoking weed.. that will make your lungs better.
[Apr 2,2008 11:45am - quintessence ""]
My lungs are fine. Its my head and muscles that are killing me. And anyway THC is a bronchial dilator. It works the same way as cough medicine. Its actually beneficial for your lungs. Yes I love my drugs and science....
[Apr 2,2008 12:32pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
You are a great man, Frank. May marijuana be your doxylamine succinate and Satan your acetaminophen.
[Apr 2,2008 12:42pm - Yeti ""]

quintessence said:My lungs are fine. Its my head and muscles that are killing me. And anyway THC is a bronchial dilator. It works the same way as cough medicine. Its actually beneficial for your lungs. Yes I love my drugs and science....

i don't know about that, i am a non-smoker and a frequenter of the THC, and i notice a significant difference in breathing. it actually triggers mild asthma for a short time. after a day of doing nothing but partaking, the next morning i have difficulty breathing. no, it isn't going to stop my intake either.
[Apr 2,2008 12:42pm - Yeti ""]
that might just be me though, my lungs suck.
[Apr 2,2008 12:48pm - quintessence ""]
Well yes. there IS still the fact that you are "smoking" something. Burnt up carbon is not good for you no matter what. Vaporizers fucking rule though.
[Apr 2,2008 12:53pm - Yeti ""]
fair enough.

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