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Sunday April 27th @ DBH -- Life at Zero, Proteus, Revocation (more --see thread)

[show listing]  __________________________________________
[Apr 4,2008 10:04am - largefreakatzero ""]
Sunday April 27th at Dover Brick House
Life at Zero
Burn My Remains

Doors @ 4pm

All ages $10

I completely forgot about this show until last night at practice. Looks like someone already added to events page, but I didn't see a thread.
[Apr 14,2008 10:30am - largefreakatzero ""]
Bump because work is gay.
[Apr 15,2008 8:40am - largefreakatzero ""]
Bump because nobody gives a shit.
[Apr 15,2008 9:04am - corpus_colostomy ""]
looks like a good show brotha!
[Apr 15,2008 9:11am - largefreakatzero ""]
I hope so -- 1st one we've played since end of December and 1st time at the DBH for us.
[Apr 15,2008 10:09am - immortal13 ""]
I'm gonna be going to this. Too good of a lineup to miss, and Burn My Remains is actually playing a show finally.
[Apr 15,2008 10:12am - corpus_colostomy ""]
all i know is that dysentery aint allowed there for obvious reasons..
[Apr 15,2008 10:22am - immortal13 ""]
Which kinda blows, because it would be pretty awesome seeing you guys at DBH.
[Apr 15,2008 10:24am - corpus_colostomy ""]
ya mon, i hear its a swell joint.
[Apr 15,2008 10:27am - mcmahon ""]
wow, good lineup.
[Apr 15,2008 10:42am - immortal13 ""]
One of my favorite venues. For now, it's tied with Ralph's in my opinion.
[Apr 21,2008 9:03am - largefreakatzero ""]
This weekend, cunts.
[Apr 21,2008 9:36am - the_reverend ""]
if this wasn't metalfest, I would be there.
[Apr 21,2008 9:42am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Apr 21,2008 9:49am - the_reverend ""]
you know, that concert with all the hardcore bands
[Apr 21,2008 10:21am - largefreakatzero ""]
Oh, you mean Metalcorefest.
[Apr 22,2008 2:33pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Apr 22,2008 6:23pm - LORDBACON ""]
this shall be ill. show up and support your local shit of greatness
[Apr 22,2008 6:38pm - archaeon ""]
what time will this be over? like 9?
[Apr 22,2008 10:45pm - archaeon ""]
this is all ages rightzz? i remember DBH being 21+ for one show Mortalis was gonna play there once. hmmmm
[Apr 23,2008 12:31am - dicktits  ""]

First- PUTRESCINE 5-5:35PM
Second- SUPPLICATION 5:50-6:25PM
Third- BURN MY REMAINS 6:40-7:15PM
Fourth- LIFE AT ZERO 7:30-8:05PM
Fifth- REVOCATION 8:20-8:55PM
Sixth- PROTEUS 9:10-9:45PM
[Apr 23,2008 9:07am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Apr 23,2008 9:11am - corpus_colostomy ""]
i would love to go to this but we will be in the fahking studio meng.
[Apr 23,2008 9:15am - archaeon ""]
thank you dicktits

I probably won't go considering I'd probably have to miss proteus and they're my main reason for going.
[Apr 23,2008 9:55am - BrianDBB ""]
SOLID lineup! Go to this and drink!
[Apr 23,2008 10:15am - largefreakatzero ""]

Go to this instead of gay 3.
[Apr 24,2008 1:16pm - andy in PA  ""]
[Apr 25,2008 9:11am - largefreakatzero ""]
Sunday, bitches.
[Apr 27,2008 12:57pm - lazandynli  ""]
Leaving shortly -- starts at 5pm.
[Apr 28,2008 8:26am - largefreakatzero ""]
Thanks to Bill for setting this up. Our first time at the DBH and I hope we get to go back. It was fun playing for a younger crowd -- though it is depressing that I am old enough to be a dad to anyone 16 and younger. Good work out of all the bands. This was the first time I heard Revocation and I was thoroughly impressed. I will look forward to the new release.
[Apr 28,2008 9:11am - the_reverend ""]
did proteus play? all the members were at meshuggah
[Apr 28,2008 9:53pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Proteus did not play. Apparently nobody knew they weren't playing until they didn't play.
[Apr 28,2008 9:56pm - archaeon ""]
ouch. glad i didn't go then.
[Apr 28,2008 9:56pm - W3 nli  ""]

largefreakatzero said:Proteus did not play.

corpus_colostomy said:i would love to go to this but we will be in the fahking studio meng.

largefreakatzero said:Apparently nobody knew they weren't playing until they didn't play.

now how did no one know they werent going to play.
[Apr 28,2008 9:57pm - archaeon ""]
wrong band
[Apr 28,2008 9:58pm - blue ""]
um, sean....

corpus is nick, guitfiddlist of dysentery.
[Apr 28,2008 9:58pm - W3 nli  ""]
oh snap, i fail LOL at mes
[Apr 28,2008 10:03pm - largefreakatzero ""]

archaeon said:ouch. glad i didn't go then.

Yeah, because all the other bands that played were shitty.
[Apr 28,2008 10:04pm - archaeon ""]
Yeah i know thats why im glad. :spineyes:
[Apr 28,2008 10:05pm - blue ""]
dont take it as an insult. grant has a huge schoolgirl boner for proteus.
[Apr 28,2008 10:07pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Don't worry, I don't beat up little kids.
[Apr 28,2008 10:19pm - archaeon ""]

The Proteus cd has been my life for the last month.
[Apr 28,2008 10:36pm - largefreakatzero ""]
No sweat junior, I wanted to see Proteus play too. You should've come to the show anywayz. I would have bought you a sody-pop.
[Apr 28,2008 10:38pm - blue ""]
its going to be funny going to PE practice on thursday and drew will have to explain to bill why they didnt play lulz
[Apr 29,2008 3:43am - antny  ""]
Great show. So much fun to play to young kids who are so genuinely psyched on the music. I love it.

Andy, it was really great to see Life at Zero play live. I had heard your album tracks on your page a while back and was impressed and I was even more impressed by the live show. We need to get you guys a show down in Boston.

Also, I still have your speaker cable. I realized I still had it and tried to find you outside and downstairs at the bar but you were gone. If you send me an address I can get in the mail to you asap. revocationband AT gmail DOT com
[Apr 29,2008 6:53am - archaeon ""]

largefreakatzero said:No sweat junior, I wanted to see Proteus play too. You should've come to the show anywayz. I would have bought you a sody-pop.

would it have been in a sippy cup?

hopefully there are more shows like this at the brickhouse. I'll head out one of these days for sure.

Did Tony boods and Hungtableed fight? they should have, i would have paid to see that.
[Apr 29,2008 8:55am - largefreakatzero ""]

antny said:Great show. So much fun to play to young kids who are so genuinely psyched on the music. I love it.

Andy, it was really great to see Life at Zero play live. I had heard your album tracks on your page a while back and was impressed and I was even more impressed by the live show. We need to get you guys a show down in Boston.

Also, I still have your speaker cable. I realized I still had it and tried to find you outside and downstairs at the bar but you were gone. If you send me an address I can get in the mail to you asap. revocationband AT gmail DOT com

Yeah dude, same here -- you guys kill and definitely have your own sound. I'll shoot you an email with my home addy, no big rush on the speaker cable.
[Apr 29,2008 9:02am - the_reverend ""]

largefreakatzero said:Don't worry, I don't beat up little kids.
huh, someone's growing up! no more pounding beers in the car for someone, eh?

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