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Did the Iron Maiden Ticket go on sale yet?

[Apr 10,2008 9:56am - rotivore ""]
No fucking around this year, got to see Maiden, Priest, Motorhead, Testament who are not getting any younger. Did tickets go on sale yet for the Boston show?
[Apr 10,2008 10:20am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

rotivore said:No fucking around this year

Then you should have bought tickets sometime before they sold out weeks ago.
[Apr 10,2008 10:35am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ah fuck
[Apr 10,2008 1:04pm - cav nli  ""]
i think you can still get lawn seats on ticketmaster.
[Apr 10,2008 9:22pm - Whoremastery ""]
got mine!
[Apr 10,2008 10:08pm - MetalThursday ""]
got mine too... hell the fuck yeah

rob did you get seats or lawn?
[Apr 10,2008 11:39pm - kevinthesprigg ""]
I got ga pit tickets for this show. I am beyond excited.
[Apr 10,2008 11:49pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
you'll all call me queer, but I skipped out on the Maiden tickets I was planning on buying and bought tix for the Helloween/Gamma Ray show instead.
[Apr 11,2008 12:23am - thegreatspaldino ""]
thats a pretty decent consolation prize
[Apr 11,2008 8:40am - cav nli  ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:you'll all call me queer, but I skipped out on the Maiden tickets I was planning on buying and bought tix for the Helloween/Gamma Ray show instead.

my only problem with this theory is that you probably could have just paid at the door for helloween. metal shows dont usually sell out the palladium, they do well but not that good.
[Apr 11,2008 10:24am - Whoremastery ""]
seats...right up front!!!!
[Apr 12,2008 12:08pm - Joshtructionn  ""]
I got seats right up front too. section 2 here I come!!!

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