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Post pictures/talk about old video games you used to have

[Apr 12,2008 4:30pm - SkinSandwich ""]
HA!! I loved this game.

It took me about 20,000 shots to take down one Imperial walker but it was awesome when I did. As you can see by the picture the walkers would should long blocks at you.

EDIT: HAHA!! Good video of this game! AHHH, the sounds are sooooo nostalgic!!
[Apr 12,2008 4:37pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Pitfall was awesome, and here is more nostalgia for you! I love the sounds in this game too!

[Apr 12,2008 4:49pm - the_reverend ""]
i heart tg-16
[Apr 12,2008 11:34pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

SkinSandwich said:HA!! I loved this game.
It took me about 20,000 shots to take down one Imperial walker but it was awesome when I did. As you can see by the picture the walkers would should long blocks at you.

EDIT: HAHA!! Good video of this game! AHHH, the sounds are sooooo nostalgic!!

Oh fuck - the walker cart was bad enough, but the Death Star cartridge? WHAT THE FUCK. HOURS trying to down that fucking deflector field. GAWD DAMMIT.
[Apr 13,2008 12:15am - BSV  ""]
This is one of my alltime favorite games, MUSHA. I havn't played it in over 15 years but it was my probably my favorite for Sega. I've never found it again since. Ebay lists one auction at $99.
[Apr 13,2008 12:46am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Fuckin' Pool of Radiance for NES. Not quite as hardcore as the PC version, but it'll do. (I'm way too drunk to post with this toy compujter with apples onit. ) fkjsdfdsfkljh
[Apr 13,2008 9:44am - My_dying_bride ""]
[Apr 13,2008 10:02am - GodlessRob ""]
I was a Coleco nut when I was a kid. Lady Bug was rather gay but it had skulls and strange alien looking creatures.
[Apr 13,2008 10:01pm - This_Is_Heresy ""]

Mega Man 1 and Ghosts n Goblins... Impossible games Or... The MOST Impossible games?

Tough but fun.
[Apr 14,2008 1:06am - SlyATNFAC ""]
i don't know the first mega man but i do know that the first ghosts and goblins was soooo impossible.
[Apr 14,2008 2:45am - boine ""]
[Apr 14,2008 3:16am - ellesarusrex ""]
nintendo -skate or die ..paperboy.. duck hunt.
sega - aladdin.
atari- paperboy. TETRIS.
[Apr 14,2008 7:07am - guy  ""]
nhl 95...the truth
[Apr 14,2008 8:12am - ouchdrummer ""]
anyone ever play "landstalker" for the Genesis? It was Sega's answer to Zelda, but from a 3/4 view, all sorts of 3d jumping puzzles, and really confusing labyrinths to get lost in for hours. This fucking game ruled. The rom for it is kinda hard to find, but should any of you want it just hit me up, i have a real good sega emulator too.
[Apr 14,2008 10:05am - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
I was all about Colecovision back in the day

then recently I went with Xbox 360 b/c it had a lot of old games like Time Pilot, Robotron 2084, Dig Dug.

now I just play Doom all day like a fat little Jabba

[Apr 14,2008 10:08am - GodlessRob ""]
I Love XBLA's selection of retro games. I have been playing Tron recently, man does it bring me back. Fuck I am getting old!
[Apr 14,2008 10:17am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

Those games were great.
[Apr 14,2008 10:21am - the_reverend ""]
oddessey II for shizzle.
I'm going to try to find my oddessey II and tg-16 and hook them up to my new TV.
[Apr 14,2008 10:45am - Yeti ""]
this was one of my favorite Sega games.
[Apr 14,2008 10:49am - inject-now ""]
double dragon
wizards and warriors
[Apr 14,2008 11:01am - GoatCatalyst ""]
Ikari Warriors. Contra. Kid Nikki.
[Apr 14,2008 11:52am - xmikex ""]
Was anyone else cursed with a Texas Instruments computer?
Hunt the Wumpus anyone?
[Apr 14,2008 1:17pm - CraigForACurse ""]
Kung Fu for the NES. it took me forever just to get past the first boss. the guy with the stick....
[Apr 14,2008 2:06pm - Godlessrob ""]
Karateka! anyone remember this?
[Apr 14,2008 2:09pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]

Illusions of Gaia.


jurassic park


E.V.O easily the best game in nintendo history. You start off as a fish and evolve by killing people and getting evolution points, you can then customize your creature, I think my guy was a wolf with a long neck, ram horns, and a tigers body.

the final boss was a yeti
[Apr 14,2008 3:03pm - NoodleFace ""]

My_dying_bride said:[img]

Hell fucking yes!!!

Best game ever, I didn't beat it until I was like 18 and on an emulator. FUCK YEAH.
[Apr 14,2008 3:20pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

xmikex said:Was anyone else cursed with a Texas Instruments computer?
Hunt the Wumpus anyone?

If you have graphics, you are CHEATING. Wumpus-hunting is properly done with text only (bonus points if it's a terminal with dot-matrix printout - CRTs are for n00bz.).
[Apr 14,2008 3:21pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Y_Ddraig_Goch said:

E.V.O easily the best game in nintendo history. You start off as a fish and evolve by killing people and getting evolution points, you can then customize your creature, I think my guy was a wolf with a long neck, ram horns, and a tigers body.

the final boss was a yeti


This game is killer. Hands down the best evolution/Gaia theory-themed action/RPG out there.
[Apr 14,2008 3:33pm - Yeti ""]

Y_Ddraig_Goch said:[img]

jurassic park

this game still haunts me.
[Apr 14,2008 3:34pm - Yeti ""]
[Apr 14,2008 3:35pm - anthny  ""]
[Apr 14,2008 4:43pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm still laughing from the bill cosby pic
[Apr 14,2008 5:06pm - blue ""]

xmikex said:Was anyone else cursed with a Texas Instruments computer?

my grandmother had one when i was a wee lad. played pac man and q bert till my eyes bled.

[Apr 14,2008 6:12pm - This_Is_Heresy ""]

inject-now said:nes:

double dragon
wizards and warriors

[Apr 14,2008 6:48pm - poop ""]
[Apr 14,2008 7:51pm - demondave ""]

Rev did you ever play this?


A friend of mine had it and I always wanted to play. I think I got to once for like ten minutes. I had no idea what was going on, but I thought it was great.

[Apr 15,2008 10:14pm - poop ""]

NoodleFace said:
My_dying_bride said:[img]

Hell fucking yes!!!

Best game ever, I didn't beat it until I was like 18 and on an emulator. FUCK YEAH.

is there a reliable emulator u know of???

i played this when i was veeeeeeeeeery young and didnt understand the concept of 'beating' games, on top of it being way hard. I am in the hunt for a master system, and a copy of this game.... and i will conquer it!
[Apr 15,2008 10:15pm - My_dying_bride ""]
[Apr 15,2008 10:29pm - ancient master  ""]
[Apr 16,2008 1:56am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Apr 16,2008 7:33am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

douchebag_patrol said:[DUKE TOGO DIPPIN' HIS SWIZZLE STICK]

Fuck yeah. I used to play that shit for HOURS (with the requisite little kid giggling when he's doing the dirty in that one part). Great game.
[Apr 16,2008 8:23am - bradmann ""]



and of course:

[Apr 16,2008 8:24am - bradmann ""]
and who could forget:

[Apr 16,2008 10:40am - brad weymouth  ""]

[Apr 16,2008 5:08pm - anthony ""]
[Apr 16,2008 5:38pm - TearsOvGods ""]
First game I remember playing (I dare you to name it):
If you had just Super Mario Bros. and/or Duck Hunt individually then it is likely that you also had GRID (now known as AIDS)
[Apr 16,2008 11:40pm - lbprovidence ""]
[Apr 16,2008 11:41pm - lbprovidence ""]
I didn't mean for that picture to be so obnoxiously large.
[Apr 17,2008 7:07am - sever ""]
[Apr 17,2008 6:22pm - dudebropocalypse  ""]
just bought this for my Genesis.. looks pretty fun, I'm hoping it doesn't play like shit

[Apr 17,2008 6:28pm - dudebropocalypse  ""]
wrong video

[Apr 17,2008 6:54pm - tylor  ""]
all that needs to be said:

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