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Opeth's set for this tour!!!!

[Jan 25,2004 9:44pm - retzam ""]
Holy shit holy shit holy shit!!!! This is an unbelievable set!!:

Master's Apprentices
The Drapery Falls
In My Time Of Need
The Moor
April Ethereal
Blackwater Park
Demon Of The Fall

Holy fucking goddamn shit!!!! I fucking can't fucking wait!!!!! I think that the only ones who will appreciate this as much as me are RA and Hoser.
[Jan 25,2004 11:22pm - dreadkill ""]
i appreciate that set more than almost anyone in the world. opeth is my favorite band ever. i'm glad the rest of you guys love their music as much as i do. i need to see that exact set so bad right now because of certain things that have happened to me recently that only opeth's lyrics can soothe. plus it's on my birthday , so i'm happy as hell about it. i'll see you guys there
[Jan 26,2004 1:17am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
whoa whoa whoa... The Moor?! thats like my favorite heavy song of theirs... yes... that and Serenity Painted Death are tied. Fuck, Still life is amazing.
[Jan 26,2004 1:44am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I can't go. Drat.
[Jan 26,2004 6:39am - retzam ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:whoa whoa whoa... The Moor?! thats like my favorite heavy song of theirs... yes... that and Serenity Painted Death are tied. Fuck, Still life is amazing.

Yes, I love The Moor too, Still Life kicks ass. They have now played every song off of it live though, so don't expect too many of those songs in live rotation too much anymore. I was kind of worried, because they had to cancel the first show and played a 45 minute acoustic set for the next two shows because Lopez was still suffering from a stress related anxiety attack he had a couple months ago. But he joined them on Saturday and is doing the rest of the tour. It is funny cause those first 3 gigs were all of the Canadian ones...
[Jan 26,2004 7:01am - Sinistas ""]
I'll totally be there.
[Jan 26,2004 4:25pm - retzam ""]
Bump cause of awesomeness.
[Jan 26,2004 6:32pm - Abbath ""]
Holy shit this is one of the greatest pieces of news i've heard in a long time! This will be the third time i've seen the Opeth, and i still can't wait! OH Fuck Ya!! Master's Apprentices is such a "Fuck you up." Type song!!! AHHHH THE MOOR!!!!!!!! OPETH IS GOD!
[Jan 26,2004 7:07pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
oh and windowpane is absolutely amazing. masters apprentice is ok. they have to stop playing demon of the fall as an encore... its not even that great of a song.
[Jan 26,2004 7:32pm - retzam ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:oh and windowpane is absolutely amazing. masters apprentice is ok. they have to stop playing demon of the fall as an encore... its not even that great of a song.

Yeah, I agree kind of. They have been playing Demon as an encore for what? 6 years? I don't want them to drop it from the set though, cause I love that song. But when you think about it, what better encore do Opeth have?
[Jan 26,2004 7:52pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Serenity Paitned Death, To Bid You Farewell, A Fair Judgement, The Funeral Portait, White Cluster, The Moor... most of Blackwater Park... heh.
[Jan 26,2004 8:00pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
goddammit, they need to play BLEAK!!!! that is by far the best opeth song, in my opinion. at least i got to see them play it last january
[Jan 26,2004 9:08pm - retzam ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:Serenity Paitned Death, To Bid You Farewell, A Fair Judgement, The Funeral Portait, White Cluster, The Moor... most of Blackwater Park... heh.

Serinity Painted Death is an OK encore, To Bid You Farewell would be a pathetic encore (I love the song but encores always have to be energetic for the band's standards), A Fair Judgement is a good closer (like they used it on the Fair Judgement and For Absent Friends tours) but wouldn't be a good encore, The Funeral Portrait and White Cluster actually did come to mind kind of when I asked that question, and The Moor, nah, that is just a kick ass song, but not an encore, or maybe. I don't know. Everything off Blackwater Park? Not The Leper Affinity, maybe Bleak, not Harvest (unless they do another song after it), not The Drapery Falls, not Dirge For November, not Patterns In The Ivy, maybe Blackwater Park. I am such a loser.
[Jan 26,2004 9:48pm - JellyFish ""]
THE FUCKING MOOR!?! THE FUCKING BEST OPETH SONG!!!! HOLY SHIT!! WHAT AN AMZING FUCKING SET!!! I need to slow down. I already got my ticket, and I have never been so excited for a show. Blackwater Park, Black Rose Immortal, The Moor, Godheads Lament, Benighted, Ending Credits, The Drapery Falls, god, so many great songs. Andvent would be a great encore, I think. I cant get over The Moor. I have been waiting for that song forever. Ah this band fucking rules. Still fulcking Life. I wish there was a song from Morningrise, however. But, Still Life is still the absolute best.
[Jan 26,2004 10:15pm - retzam ""]
Yeah man!

Orchid: 0 (no surprise)
Morningrise: 0 (they finally decided to ditch Advent, oh well)
My Arms, Your Hearse: 2 (glad to see April Ethereal back in rotation)
Still Life: 1 (THE FUCKING MOOR!!!!!!!!)
Blackwater Park: 2 (Blackwater Park!! Never played live, like The Moor)
Deliverance: 2 (Master's Apprentices seems like a damn good opener)
Damnation: 2 (I had been debating in my mind whether they would play anything off Damnation, seems like a good break from headbanging where you can just listen)

I really cannot wait for this!
[Jan 26,2004 10:31pm - JellyFish ""]
Word up retzam. My favorite goddamn band with one of my two favorite songs(Benighted being my favorite, but i saw it at the Berklee show, so im satisfied) Im so excited, Im like a goddamn child on christmas morning, shitting his pants. Maybe Ill see you on the floor dude. Fuck, its still a month away!!
[Jan 26,2004 10:42pm - retzam ""]
JellyFish said:Word up retzam. My favorite goddamn band with one of my two favorite songs(Benighted being my favorite, but i saw it at the Berklee show, so im satisfied) Im so excited, Im like a goddamn child on christmas morning, shitting his pants. Maybe Ill see you on the floor dude. Fuck, its still a month away!!

Man you're as excited as me! That is awesome. I will probably be right up near the stage, but shit happens so I might not be able to get there early. Oh well, if not I will see you outside afterwards (you wait for bands to come out right?).
[Jan 26,2004 10:50pm - JellyFish ""]
Not every band, but definetly my favorite. My name is Doug. Ill have a red sox hat on and an Opeth shirt(like that helps). Ill try to find you. Looking forward to it,man. HAIL OPETH!!!
[Jan 26,2004 11:08pm - retzam ""]
JellyFish said:Not every band, but definetly my favorite. My name is Doug. Ill have a red sox hat on and an Opeth shirt(like that helps). Ill try to find you. Looking forward to it,man. HAIL OPETH!!!

Ok, my name is Lucas (wow, this is the first time I have said my name on this board), I am kind of tall, I will be wearing an Opeth t-shirt and have long dirty blonde hair that by then will probably be down about 2 inches below my shoulders (if I don't have it in a pony tail, which I most likely won't). See you there. Also, I found someone from Framingham (she goes by Daevina, if anyone knows her) that says if I can find her that she will introduce me to Moonspell (I assume by bringing me onto the tourbus or something) cause she is on the guestlist. So, if you don't see me out there at first, then you will know why. Oh, and by the way, just in case you are not startled by my young age, I am still in high school.
[Jan 26,2004 11:45pm - Abbath ""]
Hell ya! I'll be at the same show! I'm gonna be the guy waiting outside for 4 hours before the show! There's nothing better than seeing living gods playing right in front of you
[Jan 26,2004 11:57pm - BornSoVile ""]
Abbath! !!!!!!! Why did you guys kill Immortal!?
[Jan 27,2004 12:31am - dreadkill ""]
i agree that demon should be laid to rest, at least for now. i'd love to see them close with moonlapse vertigo or when. the ending to when would make a great ending to a show. that or a metallized cover of camel's lady fantasy would rule. any combination of opeth songs makes for an incredible set anyway though, so i can't complain about anything they plan on playing. i had heard a rumor before the tour started that black rose immortal was going to be included. that would have been great. i know it's a long song and not their greatest, but the "sunbirds leave their dark recesses" part would be worth the price of admission alone.
[Jan 27,2004 1:38am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Windowpane and the The Moor... is worth admission alone.
[Jan 27,2004 2:53pm - JellyFish ""]
I agree with spaldino. Windowpane and The Moor are worth admission alone. I also agree that Black Rose Innortal rules! God damn.
[Jan 27,2004 2:55pm - JellyFish ""]
And retzam, Im in high school as well. I feel your pain.
[Jan 27,2004 2:58pm - retzam ""]
JellyFish said:And retzam, Im in high school as well. I feel your pain.

Haha, cool man. Yeah, I just got back a half hour ago, so I am still crying on the inside.
[Jan 27,2004 5:52pm - joneser  ""]
An Opeth concert without:

"Silent dance with death. Everything is lost. Torn by the arrival of Autumn.
The blink of an eye, you know it's me.
You keep the dagger close at hand."

You've got to be kidding.
[Jan 27,2004 6:48pm - retzam ""]
joneser said:An Opeth concert without:

"Silent dance with death. Everything is lost. Torn by the arrival of Autumn.
The blink of an eye, you know it's me.
You keep the dagger close at hand."

You've got to be kidding.

I don't think they should eliminate it. I think they should encore with something else, but this is their best encore song to date. I honestly can't picture them encoring with anything else. Well, maybe in a few years they can use Deliverance.
[Feb 5,2004 10:30pm - retzam ""]
Ok dudes, here is Moonspell's setlist (for those of you that care):

In And Above Men
From Lowering Skies
Alma Mater
The Southern Deathstyle
Everything Invaded
Full Moon Madness

I am quite looking forward to Opium, I think that song is pretty cool.
[Feb 5,2004 10:31pm - retzam ""]
Oh and by the way, a revision in Opeth's setlist: instead of Windowpane, In My Time Of Need, The Moor, the order is The Moor, Windowpane, In My Time Of Need. This was it all along, but the person I got it from was confused.
[Feb 5,2004 11:07pm - Abbath ""]
ya i've seen Moonspell before, they put on a really good show, Opium is a nasty song live it's too bad that they're not going to play Mephisto.
[Feb 6,2004 7:59pm - Hoser ""]
Pardon me while I tie my boner to my leg....
[Feb 20,2004 2:29pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I heard a rumor today that this show is going to be acoustic. According to my friend, they are taking each song and 'unplugging' it. Anyone know if this is true?
[Feb 20,2004 3:02pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
If they do that I'll be glad I can't go, because they'd put me to sleep.
[Feb 20,2004 3:04pm - succubus ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:If they do that I'll be glad I can't go, because they'd put me to sleep.

go smack yourself with your pee pee

[Feb 20,2004 3:16pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Maybe I'll find some big tits to smack with it. That'd make me happy.
[Feb 20,2004 3:17pm - RustedAngel ""]
retzam said:Ok dudes, here is Moonspell's setlist (for those of you that care):

In And Above Men
From Lowering Skies
Alma Mater
The Southern Deathstyle
Everything Invaded
Full Moon Madness

I am quite looking forward to Opium, I think that song is pretty cool.

last time I saw moonspell play opium, my friends as a joke picked me up and threw me on top of the crowd and I was passed over the barricade. gaaaaay!
[Feb 20,2004 4:05pm - dreadkill ""]
where did you hear this acoustic rumor? that isn't true.
[Feb 20,2004 5:00pm - retzam ""]
swamplorddvm said:I heard a rumor today that this show is going to be acoustic. According to my friend, they are taking each song and 'unplugging' it. Anyone know if this is true?

Yeah, this is completely false in all ways. Your friend probably thought that because due to Martin Lopez's abscence, on the second and third shows of the tour they had Gene Hoglan (the very same) come in and they did stuff from Damnation and other soft stuff, kind of like on the Damnation tour except more limited.

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