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[Apr 16,2008 8:21pm - Murph ""]
Dour Cursiva www.myspace.com/dourcursiva is in need o someone to fulfill bass duties FULL-TIME.

If interested, here are a few things to consider:

- We practice 2-3 times a week (usually fri-sun, but we can work it out)
- We do mainly weekend tours and occasional shows, but with touring in the somewhat near future (Summer, most likely fall/winter)
- We practice in RI
- You need to be a dedicated, serious musician, and get along with us
- We have a full-length album out (3 tracks on the myspace are from it), so see if you would enjoy playing these songs (they are all in our current set), but also have three new (and as yet un-studio recorded) songs in the set (if serious, we'll send you the rough tracks)

Mainly, get in touch with us on here or on myspace and we'll hang out, see if it clicks!

Thanks a bunch, hope there's someone out there for us

~Dour Cursiva

[Apr 16,2008 8:25pm - Murph ""]
that link dont work www.myspace.com/dourcursiva
[Apr 16,2008 8:35pm - brian_dc ""]
come hang out, play some bass, and watch Iron Maiden dvds with us for hours

that's really all we care about
[Apr 16,2008 8:38pm - Joshtruction ""]
ill go jam and even bring some maiden dvd's!
[Apr 16,2008 10:54pm - brian_dc ""]
yes...come for jams and hangs

people do it up

the more the merrier
[Apr 16,2008 10:55pm - brian_dc ""]
you can e-mail us at dour_cursiva(@)hotmail.com also
[Apr 16,2008 11:57pm - Joshtruction ""]
ill go jam and have some fun with you guys, but I doubt I can commit because I don't have a bass cab right now. Im still down for hanging and having a good time jamming though!
[Apr 17,2008 8:36am - cav nli  ""]
god i hope this doesnt take as long as it took abnormality
[Apr 17,2008 8:54am - cav nli  ""]
anyone know of any other boards to post this besides b9 and bsr?
[Apr 17,2008 8:56am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 17,2008 9:05am - corpus_colostomy ""]
hey if it takes along time to get someone with the caliber of shawn...so be it.
[Apr 17,2008 9:15am - brian_dc ""]
lol @ posting on lambgoat about anything serious
[Apr 17,2008 9:32am - cav nli  ""]

corpus_colostomy said:hey if it takes along time to get someone with the caliber of shawn...so be it.

haha true.
[Apr 17,2008 1:00pm - CraigForACurse ""]
[Apr 18,2008 9:10am - Murphnli  ""]
bump, we need it.
[Apr 18,2008 10:24am - cav nli  ""]
2 tryouts set up so far, and one in the works...if you are interested contact us asap!
[Apr 18,2008 10:28am - CMTAIB ""]
[Apr 18,2008 10:31am - brian_dc ""]
haha...loop the first 30 seconds and record nate johnson talking about booze (<3 Nate, no hate)
[Apr 18,2008 11:29am - W3 nli  ""]

brian_dc said: talking about booze

thats a goodtime
[Apr 18,2008 12:36pm - Joshtruction ""]
The hell with drinking... Im just going to TALK about drinking! Thats where it's at.
[Apr 18,2008 4:04pm - brian_dc ""]
[Apr 18,2008 4:33pm - W3 nli  ""]
watch out these guys dabble
[Apr 18,2008 4:41pm - brian_dc ""]
we dabble in dabbling
[Apr 18,2008 4:43pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Apr 18,2008 5:29pm - brian_dc ""]
last bump from me until I see a computer again.
[Apr 19,2008 3:18am - robbieofthedeparted ""]
O.o ? So I havent logged in here for like mmmm a year and I see this? lol
[Apr 19,2008 3:36am - robbieofthedeparted ""]
I'll bump this like Pat Kennedy in T.F.green airport. Ha!
[Apr 19,2008 10:46am - cav ""]
thought ya died bro. fo relz
[Apr 19,2008 12:29pm - metalguy ""]
I kinda wish i lived in the area because i would be all over this. I saw you guys on friday and thought u were great. Good luck dudes
[Apr 19,2008 12:34pm - blue ""]

new requirements for bassist:

-must use at least 2 bass heads with at least 1 8x10 and a 2x15. and have an earcandy cab on the way.
[Apr 19,2008 1:16pm - robbieofthedeparted ""]

cav said:thought ya died bro. fo relz

lol no didnt die, just needed to take some time away.
[Apr 20,2008 6:25pm - Murph hasgotdemredtopsyo  ""]
bass plz. k thnx bi.
[Apr 20,2008 11:45pm - brian_dc ""]

blue said:THIS JUST IN:

new requirements for bassist:

-must use at least 2 bass heads with at least 1 8x10 and a 2x15. and have an earcandy cab on the way.

[Apr 21,2008 4:02pm - brian_dc ""]
We have a viciously affordable practice space with ample parking
[Apr 21,2008 4:34pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Apr 22,2008 10:29am - brian_dc ""]
The man who claims that he is not a dabbler is the man who is overly comfortable being dirty liar.
[Apr 22,2008 10:32am - corpus_nli  ""]

brian_dc said:
blue said:THIS JUST IN:

new requirements for bassist:

-must use at least 2 bass heads with at least 1 8x10 and a 2x15. and have an earcandy cab on the way.


hahaha OH SNAP!
[Apr 22,2008 1:35pm - cav nli  ""]
someone should edit this thread to "DOUR CURSIVA will never have a BASSIST!"
[Apr 22,2008 1:38pm - brian_dc ""]
Someone should edit this thread to "Awwww, I got HONEY all over my jeans!"
[Apr 22,2008 1:41pm - cav nli  ""]
soooo guess what dude. membah how i told you guys my doctor told me that syst on my chest was nothing and they probably wouldnt remove it. yea he just called me last night to tell me they HAVE NO FUCKIN IDEA what it is so they have to remove it thursday. im not sure if there is any recovery time on this. im assuming ill be alright to play this weekend and stuff. but seriously if i come down with cancer im quitting life, moving to cali and buying weed from vending machines.
[Apr 22,2008 1:53pm - brian_dc ""]
Damn, dude...just stay positive man. It's alarming how much stuff they don't understand in the world of oncology. And skin cancer is super treatable. Izzo had pre-cancerous cells and they're completely dormant now.

But yeah, keep your head up. Give me a call if you need an ear for venting your worries [/gay]
[Apr 22,2008 1:57pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

cav%20nli said:soooo guess what dude. membah how i told you guys my doctor told me that syst on my chest was nothing and they probably wouldnt remove it. yea he just called me last night to tell me they HAVE NO FUCKIN IDEA what it is so they have to remove it thursday. im not sure if there is any recovery time on this. im assuming ill be alright to play this weekend and stuff. but seriously if i come down with cancer im quitting life, moving to cali and buying weed from vending machines.

My mom had something like that on her wrist in the 90's. She's been fine ever since, I wouldn't sweat it.
[Apr 22,2008 3:04pm - PiresNLI  ""]

cav%20nli said:moving to cali and buying weed from vending machines.

you've wanted to do this since we've seen that on the news...i'm sure it ain't shit...you'll do fine. i'll punch that cancer in it's stupid cancer face if it is real.

oh and bump for the new bassist!
[Apr 22,2008 3:53pm - brian_dc ""]
He who does not yet exist
[Apr 22,2008 5:16pm - Murph hasgotdemredtopsyo  ""]

cav%20nli said:soooo guess what dude. membah how i told you guys my doctor told me that syst on my chest was nothing and they probably wouldnt remove it. yea he just called me last night to tell me they HAVE NO FUCKIN IDEA what it is so they have to remove it thursday. im not sure if there is any recovery time on this. im assuming ill be alright to play this weekend and stuff. but seriously if i come down with cancer im quitting life, moving to cali and buying weed from vending machines.

I've had some removed from my back, that were sebaceous cysts (clogged sebaceous glands are what secrete oils to the skin) and although you might not have that kind (as any dermatologist would most likely know one if they saw it) the process is relatively painless and they freeze them, and then cut em out.

Cav, I think you'll be ok, in the event you have skin cancer (which both my dad and I did a few years ago), it is highly treatable.
[Apr 22,2008 5:18pm - brian_dc ""]
yeah, I actually had a suspicious cyst on my nose in 4th grade. They did a biopsy, tested the fucker and everything was hunky-dory.
[Apr 22,2008 5:19pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
wait....you can buy weed from vending machines now?
[Apr 22,2008 5:22pm - W3 nli  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:wait....you can buy weed from vending machines now?

d'uh dood get with the times
[Apr 22,2008 11:39pm - brian_dc ""]
I am still bumping this
[Apr 23,2008 12:16am - Sacreligion ""]

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