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CNV is a myspace drama queen

[Apr 24,2008 2:39am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
So I come home and get the following message from CNV, they removed me from their friend's list because I aint and nevah evah gonna be their friend.

Any one who has cared to notice has seen that I have pretty much been the only person to ever consistently come to CNV rttp user's defense whenever he gets beat on for something he says.

I find it most silly.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Cold Northern Vengeance
Date: Apr 23, 2008 12:55 AM

Your a fuckin poser and we aint your friend loser.... FUCK OFF english style. Commie fuckin loser. You aint and never will be our friend...

my reply.....

wow... what is English style? I don't need to know, England has sucked since it's been Christianized( besides the great writers I pay homage to). Do you think the English would take kindly to you claiming to be English, my American friend?

And who be the poser, don't see you out killing Jews.

And where has the "g" gone in the work fucking? Is you be black?

And is it not faux paux of a metal band, a "black" metal band to send such a message of indecent, embarrassing , immaturity?

And I, mine friend, am not a communist. I ascribe not to any one ideology, I follow not a single banner... blind and with jingoistic fervor. I am neither the sheep nor the shepherd, but the wolf. So do not attempt to assail me with unchecked rage, for you know nothing of me. You assume my respect for Communism, Socialism, and Nationalism make me some lesser creature. You believe that I am some wretched Red who plots the fall of your beloved English race, one which is already doomed by the threat of massive foreign immigration. But to you I am but a phantom in the shadows, you can barely see me and your mind makes you believe I am something else that I truly am not.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Cold Northern Vengeance
Date: Apr 23, 2008 12:55 AM

Your a fuckin poser and we aint your friend loser.... FUCK OFF english style. Commie fuckin loser. You aint and never will be our friend...
[Apr 24,2008 3:29am - douchebag_patrol ""]
I like how you got all poetic in the end there.
[Apr 24,2008 9:16am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Apr 24,2008 9:30am - brian_dc ""]
board drama hits home on myspace.

The end of an era.
[Apr 24,2008 9:40am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
The only good thing about CNV is their music. Whenever they open their mouths is when they display massive amounts of immaturity and ignorance.

Good to see someone put them in their place and the only reply they can come up with is middle school rhetoric.

Good job, CNV, good job.
[Apr 24,2008 9:42am - Bill Clinton  ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:The only good thing about CNV is their music.

If you're into terrible music.
[Apr 24,2008 9:44am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Well, their style of Black Metal is not innovative or original but I don't think it's terrible either. I still listen to The Arising Dungeon Cult demo.
[Apr 24,2008 10:00am - thuringwethil ""]
[Apr 24,2008 10:11am - xmikex ""]
myspace is black metal.
[Apr 24,2008 10:25am - aril  ""]
To each his own.
[Apr 24,2008 10:28am - brian_dc ""]
it is also not dramatic to post this on an internet message board

just saying
[Apr 24,2008 10:30am - Yeti ""]
myspace is fucking gay and anyone who engages in arguments on myspace is just as gay.
[Apr 24,2008 10:34am - aril  ""]
[Apr 24,2008 10:34am - dreadkill ""]

Bill%20Clinton said:
ConquerTheBaphomet said:The only good thing about CNV is their music.

If you're into terrible music.

you just hate it because there's no saxophone
[Apr 24,2008 10:46am - sinislazy  ""]
I wear my sunglasses at night...
[Apr 24,2008 11:53am - GoatCatalyst ""]
[Apr 24,2008 11:56am - aril  ""]
Being in a band that's done a split with CNV, I'm not going to say anything other than listen to the music, regardless of what you think of them. Great musicians.
[Apr 24,2008 3:24pm - Warm Southern Forgiveness  ""]
Wearing running shoes onstage is sooooo kvlt
[Apr 24,2008 4:06pm - xmikex ""]
english style
[Apr 24,2008 4:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i had a joke but it failed

[Apr 24,2008 8:22pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
[Apr 24,2008 8:23pm - IfucWhiteWomen  ""]
Well lets see CNV has many members I think or played around the world and are great then why do they not have a full band? Why is it that they do not do much, but release stuff and the do nothing...are they afraid to really tour or try to get a label. i feel CNV will be there forever, such as the local townie who never leaves and hangs with the younger crowd who thinks they are just so great!!
[Apr 24,2008 8:26pm - IfucWhiteWomen  ""]
Oh yeah and are they afraid to be frightened by the reality of having to deal with not white people in the scen, woman, mexican, blacks or anyone that will not just bow to the needs? Why...why dont they answer things, rather then just try to show others up with knowledge they only say and not use for themselves... Oh well maybe they should of been beaten when young!!
[Apr 24,2008 8:28pm - Hoser ""]
That was a great observation, retard. Now have some real balls and state your name. Anonymous posters with opinions are the bane of an already weak internetz. I dare you to speak that garbage into the faces of the band that you work so hard to deface. Too bad your balls are still locked up in your mommy's purse.

Do the world a favor and suffocate on that dildo that you have your lips wrapped around.
[Apr 24,2008 8:28pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
Wait, I forgot something....
[Apr 24,2008 8:28pm - Hoser ""]

IfucWhiteWomen said:Oh yeah and are they afraid to be frightened by the reality of having to deal with not white people in the scen, woman, mexican, blacks or anyone that will not just bow to the needs? Why...why dont they answer things, rather then just try to show others up with knowledge they only say and not use for themselves... Oh well maybe they should of been beaten when young!!

Maybe you should have been educated when young.
[Apr 24,2008 8:29pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
[Apr 24,2008 8:40pm - IfucWhiteWomen  ""]
[Apr 24,2008 8:49pm - Hungtableed  ""]
[Apr 24,2008 9:06pm - Hoser ""]


I do care when morons with little to no intelligence attack not only a great band, but friends of mine. You didn't disturb me a bit. I don't assume the identity of any deity so please don't bow...just stop being an anonymous pussy and stand behind your words. Without a real person behind the words you add up to nothing more than another internet troll, and lend no credibility to your argument.
[Apr 24,2008 9:07pm - dreadkill ""]

IfucWhiteWomen said:Oh yeah and are they afraid to be frightened by the reality of having to deal with not white people in the scen, woman, mexican, blacks or anyone that will not just bow to the needs?
uh...they had a woman on guitar for playing live.
[Apr 24,2008 9:08pm - Hoser ""]
The world is so full of decaying cunts...don't be one and stand as man behind your word.
[Apr 24,2008 9:11pm - Conservationist ""]
Communism sucks, but sometimes good people are fooled by it, just like anarchy and neo-Nazism.

[Apr 24,2008 11:06pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Humans are too greedy/selfish to make communism work. I'm not a communist but I don't hate it. It's not realistic and silly when it comes to some things.
I would say I am more of a Socialist.

Caring for humanity doesn't make one weak or a pussy, it just means you care. So called "free thinking" Metalheads are not real free thinkers. The anti war message was lost very quickly because such angry music attracts angry young morons that don't know what all those early Metal bands were talking about.

War has it's purpose. But most wars are about greed and ignorance.
and war is good for movies, video games and badass songs and keeping assholes from taking what is rightfuly yours by birth.

But let's be real. It's alot easier to pull a trigger than it is to solve a problem with your brain. If humans were actually civil we wouldn't be living in the world we live in.
[Apr 25,2008 7:18am - CNV  ""]
Hahahahahaha! Wooooohooooo.... I throw a bone and yall fetch it. Hilarious! Seriously, Y g drig whatever. I have nuthin against ya I jus figured I would stir the pot up to see what would happen. One of my sociological experiments if you will. Thanks for the memories.

Slave and Master

[Apr 25,2008 7:26am - CNV  ""]

Warm%20Southern%20Forgiveness said:Wearing running shoes onstage is sooooo kvlt

New Balance ist krieg... And it's Warm Southern Hospitality man!
[Apr 25,2008 8:25am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

CNV said:Hahahahahaha! Wooooohooooo.... I throw a bone and yall fetch it. Hilarious! Seriously, Y g drig whatever. I have nuthin against ya I jus figured I would stir the pot up to see what would happen. One of my sociological experiments if you will. Thanks for the memories.

Slave and Master


[Apr 25,2008 8:33am - aril  ""]
New Balance IST krieg.
[Apr 25,2008 8:39am - CNV  ""]

aril said:New Balance IST krieg.

Seriously man,

Reebok falls apart
Nike is cliche
Adidas fall apart

only New Balance is forged in the all encompassing power of Thor and Odin... New Balance makes giants tremble!
[Apr 25,2008 8:47am - CNV  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
CNV said:Hahahahahaha! Wooooohooooo.... I throw a bone and yall fetch it. Hilarious! Seriously, Y g drig whatever. I have nuthin against ya I jus figured I would stir the pot up to see what would happen. One of my sociological experiments if you will. Thanks for the memories.

Slave and Master




Loki on the interwebs... LOLZ
[Apr 25,2008 8:57am - aril  ""]
Everytime I walk out of our practice spot and see the big NB sign lit up, I feel proud.
[Apr 25,2008 9:23am - archaeon ""]
Does this remind anyone of the CSDO threads.
[Apr 25,2008 10:42am - Yeti ""]
yeah a bunch of bitches involved in a bitch fest.
[Apr 25,2008 10:43am - RichHorror ""]
Paul is a lover of women and a griller of steaks.
[Apr 25,2008 4:31pm - GermanBitch  ""]
Paul is a love of woman, but has not had one..that is my test bitches! Is he a sexless man that can only consume in his mouth!
[Apr 25,2008 4:33pm - Hoser nli  ""]
[Apr 25,2008 4:37pm - WellWell  ""]
Thanks paul and I love also how your friends and supporters were part of your master plan. We all get used in the end! All of us are suckers for the smart man. Now use this for yourself and not just fun! Lame Ass.
[Apr 26,2008 8:41am - Hoser ""]

Hoser%20nli said::2FINGERS:

Odd....I didn't post this.
[Apr 26,2008 8:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Hoser said:
Hoser%20nli said::2FINGERS:

Odd....I didn't post this.

Well, technically, now you did.
[Apr 26,2008 8:40pm - the_reverend ""]
jesus.. this is one fucked up thread.
[Apr 27,2008 10:44am - Conservationist ""]
What are the outstanding successes of Communism and Liberalism?

It seems to me like they're beliefs for people trying to justify their lack of success (AT ANYTHING) in life.
[Apr 27,2008 5:06pm - Beorht-Dana ""]

swamplorddvm said:Humans are too greedy/selfish to make communism work. I'm not a communist but I don't hate it. It's not realistic and silly when it comes to some things.
I would say I am more of a Socialist.

Caring for humanity doesn't make one weak or a pussy, it just means you care. So called "free thinking" Metalheads are not real free thinkers. The anti war message was lost very quickly because such angry music attracts angry young morons that don't know what all those early Metal bands were talking about.

War has it's purpose. But most wars are about greed and ignorance.
and war is good for movies, video games and badass songs and keeping assholes from taking what is rightfuly yours by birth.

But let's be real. It's alot easier to pull a trigger than it is to solve a problem with your brain. If humans were actually civil we wouldn't be living in the world we live in.

The only intelligent post in this thread so far.
[Apr 28,2008 4:36pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]

Conservationist said:What are the outstanding successes of Communism and Liberalism?

It seems to me like they're beliefs for people trying to justify their lack of success (AT ANYTHING) in life.

None, because people are corrupt, and Communism has always failed when yoked by certain individuals

and New Balance is the only sneaker I wear...when I wears 'em

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