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Brave new world

[May 6,2008 5:38pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]

Skyrocketing food prices throughout the world, soon to come to the U.S.
Astronomical oil prices, natural gas prices are rising and so is propane.
Landlords steadily increase the rent over the years.
Loans are becoming nonexistent or packaged with debt inducing interest rates

and what is happening to combat that? nothing. Do you know why? Enslavement.

The ruling elite want us to be riddled with debt so that we become in essence slaves to them. How many of our grandparents generation had debt? How many of us so young as we are already have debt.

I owe at least ten thousand more on my car, and 4000 for school. and those are both coupled with interest.

school loans are disappearing or coming with much higher interest rates which means less of the middle and lower class will pursue a higher education.

Does this not all sound like it were orchestrated by the few for their benefit at the despair of us?

Revolution is needed, let the sheep become wolves.
[May 6,2008 5:41pm - cav nli  ""]
im in!
[May 6,2008 5:48pm - dreadkill ""]

[May 6,2008 5:55pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
exactly what I was conditioned to think when I see the word propane.

"Propane and propane accessories."
[May 6,2008 6:06pm - thuringwethil ""]

[May 6,2008 7:42pm - Sacreligion ""]
i avoid all credit cards and loans.

cash or gtfo.
[May 6,2008 7:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
good luck buying a house with cash
[May 6,2008 8:01pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:good luck buying a house with cash

Just because you lack the discipline to do something, doesn't mean others are incapable of doing it.
[May 6,2008 8:18pm - Sacreligion ""]
I'll worry about buying a house in 10 years. until then i have bills to establish decent credit (just in case) that i pay with cash or a check as it represents money that i ACTUALLY have as opposed to some douche corporation doing it and taking advantage of my needs.

Student loans ARE the debt trap. you come out of school with a fancy job at which you make money you've never even seen, but you have 4 years of tuition plus monthly interest payments that make you pay about 3-4 times as much as you borrowed and make you do it over an extended period of time.

Once you have paid those off, you think "oh hey now i can buy a house." you get a mortgage from your local bank, buy your house, but in all actuality you're just renting the land from the government for 30 years with a ludicrous bill above your head at all times.

but how can i afford a mortgage AND the necessities for life? oh hey, the same rich folk will give me a piece of valueless plastic that i can give to a store, saying: "Hey, I'm poor. But I'll let these guys here fuck me in the ass so I can buy your stupid shit."

it puts a whole new spin on the term "free market" capitalism
[May 6,2008 8:21pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
You are thinking, and I commend you for that.

there are ways around everything, including debt.
[May 6,2008 8:24pm - Sacreligion ""]
In Debt We Trust
[May 6,2008 8:29pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
I think I'm going with my old school plan on selling my car paying the rest of it off, paying off my small student loan bill then joining the navy and getting paid and getting training for a civilian job. Want to do journalism or languages, both of which they offer, both of which have good civilian job counterparts.

Loans are horrible, my grandfather didn't need one so I shouldn't
[May 6,2008 8:32pm - Sacreligion ""]

DaveFromTheGrave said:You are thinking, and I commend you for that.

there are ways around everything, including debt.

[May 6,2008 9:44pm - yummy ""]
Debt Relief Solutions helps you manage the unmanageable. Just heard a commercial for it. They sound reliable.
[May 6,2008 10:37pm - Sacreligion ""]
they probably charge you a fee with interest
[May 6,2008 10:47pm - yummy ""]
Sorry, no sarcasm icon. or is there...
[May 7,2008 1:03am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

DaveFromTheGrave said:
FuckIsMySignature said:good luck buying a house with cash

Just because you lack the discipline to do something, doesn't mean others are incapable of doing it.

discipline is the key to not destroying your credit.
[May 7,2008 10:22am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
The whole point of "your grandparents didn't have debt" being an indicator of some global conspiracy to keep us in debt? Retarded. My grandparents had no debt for two reasons: stronger value of the dollar, and they LIVED WITHIN THEIR FUCKING MEANS.

To the kid that owes 10,000 on their car: Do you NEED a 10,000 car? Could you afford it? Obviously not. You felt entitled to it, couldn't afford it, so you signed a loan for money you do NOT have. Good luck blaming that on the rich oppressors, retard. I paid cash for every car I've owned. And for the record, I own a home, make modest money, and still have a grand total of $50,000 in debt. A little more than one year's salary.

The worst part is all these retards who feel the need to use credit cards and loans to buy things they could NEVER afford in the first place have now fucked the economy for everyone else. I now have to pay for the mistakes of fuckwits like my neighbor who signed on for subprime rates with massive baloon payments.

Meanwhile all I want is a fucking house. When your parents were young, the average cost of a house was 12-20,000, around one year's salary. Nowadays it's closer to TWENTY years of salary, plus hundreds of thousands in interest! Did I sign a loan for massive payments and a baloon payment 20 years down the road? No, I bought something I could actually afford, and only took on 50,000 in debt. For the "good luck buying a house with cash" guy: Suck my dick, it can be done. It's not about discipline, it's about buying things when you can AFFORD them, not when you WANT them.
[May 7,2008 10:36am - Yeti ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:My grandparents had no debt for two reasons: stronger value of the dollar, and they LIVED WITHIN THEIR FUCKING MEANS.

bingo. people now feel the need to own the biggest house, the best car, the latest gadgets, gizmos and accessories for their spoiled children, and are in constant competition with their neighbors and friends for bragging rights about their awesome stuff. you see these gated communities springing up all over the place with luxurious houses, but the houses don't even look lived in. the parents are out trying desperately to pay for them. its like they no longer grasp the concept of a 30 year mortgage. they can barely pay for it now, and don't seem to think that they have to maintain that income for the next 30+ years, even with a fluctuating market. i understand the necessity for credit, its a great thing, but it has to be done within ones means. oh little Johnny wants a new XBOX 360, or you want a 2008 Cadillac? learn how to dream and work towards getting something instead of instant gratification.
[May 7,2008 10:37am - C.DEAD  ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:...... It's not about discipline, it's about buying things when you can AFFORD them, not when you WANT them.

The whole rant was great, but I really liked this point. I really want an xbox360 and gta4 and tons of equipment, but thats why I am saving for the xbox, and eventually start saving for whatever the shit else because I can wait UNTIL I can afford those awesome, but often non-substantial things.
[May 7,2008 10:38am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
actually about 40 years ago economists and statisticians began lying about the numbers they were producing. they redefined the term "unemployed" and excluded a large portion of those who do not have jobs(the actual unemployment rate today is closer to 9% than 5%, as they say). They came up with a new kind of inflation called "core inflation" that disregards "volatile variables" such as food and energy costs, so inflation today is actually closer to 5% as opposed to 2%, as they say. in 1991 they switched from the gross national product to the gross domestic product so they could disregard the national deficit when calculating our net worth. growth in this country is only at about 1% as opposed to the 4% they are estimating.

the economy is struggling because of 40 years of lying
[May 7,2008 10:42am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
that was in response to arrowhead saying the economy is fucked because of individual debt...which IS part of it, but not all of it
[May 7,2008 10:46am - AttackOfTheKillerKadoogan  ""]
Again, we're all fucked. Do what you want to do with the next few years of your life before you shit out and die. That's about the best any of us can do.

[May 7,2008 11:07am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

SacreligionNLI said:that was in response to arrowhead saying the economy is fucked because of individual debt...which IS part of it, but not all of it

Agree with me or disagree. Saying I'm wrong while agreeing with me makes it all confusing and hard to respond.

I believe if you reread my post, I said that RETARDS were entirely the reason for our economy's poopiness, which I stand behind as 100% true.

"The worst part is all these retards ... have now fucked the economy for everyone else."
[May 7,2008 11:15am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
ah...when you said "retards" i thought you were talking about the people who live outside their means

yes...retards are to blame. i've put it like that before on other forums and gotten so much shit. "HOW DARE YOU SAY SOMEONE IS RETARDED! IT'S NOT FAIR!"

to which i say "Shut up, retard"
[May 7,2008 11:17am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

[May 7,2008 1:40pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:The whole point of "your grandparents didn't have debt" being an indicator of some global conspiracy to keep us in debt? Retarded. My grandparents had no debt for two reasons: stronger value of the dollar, and they LIVED WITHIN THEIR FUCKING MEANS.

To the kid that owes 10,000 on their car: Do you NEED a 10,000 car? Could you afford it? Obviously not. You felt entitled to it, couldn't afford it, so you signed a loan for money you do NOT have. Good luck blaming that on the rich oppressors, retard. I paid cash for every car I've owned. And for the record, I own a home, make modest money, and still have a grand total of $50,000 in debt. A little more than one year's salary.

The worst part is all these retards who feel the need to use credit cards and loans to buy things they could NEVER afford in the first place have now fucked the economy for everyone else. I now have to pay for the mistakes of fuckwits like my neighbor who signed on for subprime rates with massive baloon payments.

Meanwhile all I want is a fucking house. When your parents were young, the average cost of a house was 12-20,000, around one year's salary. Nowadays it's closer to TWENTY years of salary, plus hundreds of thousands in interest! Did I sign a loan for massive payments and a baloon payment 20 years down the road? No, I bought something I could actually afford, and only took on 50,000 in debt. For the "good luck buying a house with cash" guy: Suck my dick, it can be done. It's not about discipline, it's about buying things when you can AFFORD them, not when you WANT them.

a ten thousand dollar car is the cheapest new car available to me, a toyota corolla. why buy a 2000 dollar car that will just cost an extra ton of money in repairs and such?

and people don't use loans and credit cards because they feel they have to, it's because they have to. The average rent is 1000 dollars up here in NH, imagine trying to afford that on a job paying under 30,000 a year. that's almost half your money in just rent. Not to mention insurance, gas, and car payments which all together for me is about a thousand a month, look at that another half of my salary....so what is left over for utilities? food? and other necessities.

living within my means you say? I think eating two small meals a day and spending less than 30 bucks a month on entertainment (going out to eat, movies, books, cds, etc.) is living in my means.

I want to get a better education, but guess what, the country is experiencing a major loan shortage.

Now is it my fault that houses are 200,000 on average in NH? as opposed to my grandfather's house that was bought for 12,000 in 1960s?

and honestly, do you not think that credit companies put people in debt on purpose, they love to guile people into debt through whatever devious means they can.

all i'm saying is fuck usury, the christians had one good thing going for them, they outlawed money lending in the old days because they knew it would lead to this kind of state for the people.

basically unless you are born into wealth these days or get lucky with finding a job you are destined for one big circle of debt.

for instance, to get a house, you need a loan, to get a loan, you need good credit, to get good credit, you need to take out a loan or something else involving interest.

if it was my fault I would blame it on myself. I mean, the loans I took out were minimal, I don't even own a cell phone. the car is necessary because there is no public transit between manchester and nashua that is reasonable, and I work in nashua, live in manchester. my student loans were necessary because I didn't have 5000 dollars lying around. I'd love to get into college but I would need to take out loans, fuck that.

everything about capitalism is usury, how to milk people of their money as much as possible
[May 7,2008 3:27pm - Yeti ""]
if you were to buy a 2000 dollar car, and put 2000 dollars in repairs into it, that would only be 4000, and 2000 dollars worth of repairs is enough to get a car running in fine shape. if you buy a 2000 dollar car that needs 2000 dollars in repairs though, you are a fool. 2000 could get you a rebuilt engine and transmission, but you wouldn't dream of buying a car for 2 grand that has a fucked engine and transmission. there are many, many ways of making shit work on an exceptionally tight budget, but it takes sacrifices people just don't want to make. so then they complain that shit won't work out, but won't take the necessary steps to make it work. if you are paying 1000 for rent, then move the fuck out of Nashua. in Worcester you can get a 3 bedroom for 1000, split 3 ways, you end up only spending 400 or so for everything. i agree with some of what you say, but some of it sounds like bitching when a few sacrifices would really alleviate some of the burden. debt is a way of life, but it doesn't have to be an exponential amount.
[May 7,2008 3:29pm - Yeti ""]
i'm only using Worcester as an example. you are a fool if you pay 1000 for a one bedroom. you could move further away and pay far less, and even the gas expense wouldn't be as much as the rent.
[May 7,2008 4:14pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

Y_Ddraig_Goch said:
a ten thousand dollar car is the cheapest new car available to me, a toyota corolla.

Then you can't afford a new car.

I'm 32 years old, I've never owned a new car. I can't afford one. This is the definition of living withing your means.

10,000 with interest ends up being a lot more than 10,000. What did you sign for? 3? 4? 5 years of payments? Now figure out exactly how much that car will cost you.

Why would anyone pay this much? Simple: you want what you can't afford, and these loans are made to prey on people just like you. Blame society, conspiracy, whatever you want. If someone takes advantage of a retard, I always blame the retard.

[May 7,2008 4:16pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

Y_Ddraig_Goch said:
living within my means you say? I think eating two small meals a day and spending less than 30 bucks a month on entertainment (going out to eat, movies, books, cds, etc.) is living in my means.

Taking out school loans, buying a new car, and living in a $1000 a month apartment on less than $30,000 a year is not even close to living within your means.

Are you retarded?
[May 7,2008 5:28pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:
Y_Ddraig_Goch said:
living within my means you say? I think eating two small meals a day and spending less than 30 bucks a month on entertainment (going out to eat, movies, books, cds, etc.) is living in my means.

Taking out school loans, buying a new car, and living in a $1000 a month apartment on less than $30,000 a year is not even close to living within your means.

Are you retarded?

my student loans are ONLY about 4000, that's very reasonable.

and by new car, I mean 05. and there's no where near as half as decent as a 1000 dollar apartment in Manchester, and manchester is the cheapest city in NH. I don't pay it all knucklehead, only about 350 or something.

Are you be knuckleheaded?

Oh I know, I could buy a used car and have a big bag of uncertainty and certain unpleasant upsets down the road.

I know, I could not go to college and just work the same dead end job I have

or maybe I should live in my car and cut out the rent, water, and electric bill.

I live well within my means, I consider cable and internet to be luxuries I can't afford, which is why I have neither.

And tell me something isn't fucked up when food prices start to rise.

I work at a food store and a 50lb bag of rice has jumper up ten bucks in one week.

In egypt food prices have increased 400 percent for bread, milk, fruit, meat, lentils, onions, all staples of their diet.

Expect to see people lose weight as corn prices increase, and corn is in EVERYTHING

And this discussion should not be focused on me as an individual but on the public as a whole, personally I'm just a little behind on my payments...I'll be catching up soon.

there's people out there that owe 50,000 bucks on coming out of college.
[May 7,2008 5:54pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Manchester is the cheapest city in NH? R U SERIOUS?!1

I try to make a point and teach you something. In return, you flail and make excuses. Justify whatever you like, but afterwards don't cry about the man forcing it on you. You make your own choices, and the biggest red flag is that you cannot even SEE your own foolish habits as they form.
[May 7,2008 5:57pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:Manchester is the cheapest city in NH? R U SERIOUS?!1

I try to make a point and teach you something. In return, you flail and make excuses. Justify whatever you like, but afterwards don't cry about the man forcing it on you. You make your own choices, and the biggest red flag is that you cannot even SEE your own foolish habits as they form.

does not the fact that I notice I am slowly succumbing to debt point to the fact that I do SEE.

I'm going to pay these late payments and forget about taking anymore loans out. College will be paid for with cash and/or G.I. bill if I do enlist in the future.

no more weekly pizzas for me :(
[May 7,2008 6:30pm - Sacreligion ""]
what you should do is trade the new car back(if you can), and get as much for it from the dealer, buy a cheaper car in the 2-3 grand range. you'll probably have a couple grand left and your insurance will be cheaper.
[May 7,2008 6:39pm - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]

Sacreligion said:what you should do is trade the new car back(if you can), and get as much for it from the dealer, buy a cheaper car in the 2-3 grand range. you'll probably have a couple grand left and your insurance will be cheaper.

yeah but cheaper cars tend to break down and that in turn will cost me much more money than the one which I have, which will be on the road for another ten years.
[May 7,2008 6:42pm - Sacreligion ""]
you got a warranty on those 10 years?
[May 7,2008 9:09pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
or, the cheaper car can last long onough to save up a proper down payment for a vehicle thus allowing you to live within your means while ultimately getting the better car that you want?
[May 7,2008 10:43pm - Conservationist ""]
USA is third world now, get ready to be assimilated.

Either that or you could FIGHT BACK.
[May 7,2008 11:21pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

ArrowHeadNLI said:The whole point of "your grandparents didn't have debt" being an indicator of some global conspiracy to keep us in debt? Retarded. My grandparents had no debt for two reasons: stronger value of the dollar, and they LIVED WITHIN THEIR FUCKING MEANS.

To the kid that owes 10,000 on their car: Do you NEED a 10,000 car? Could you afford it? Obviously not. You felt entitled to it, couldn't afford it, so you signed a loan for money you do NOT have. Good luck blaming that on the rich oppressors, retard. I paid cash for every car I've owned. And for the record, I own a home, make modest money, and still have a grand total of $50,000 in debt. A little more than one year's salary.

The worst part is all these retards who feel the need to use credit cards and loans to buy things they could NEVER afford in the first place have now fucked the economy for everyone else. I now have to pay for the mistakes of fuckwits like my neighbor who signed on for subprime rates with massive baloon payments.

Meanwhile all I want is a fucking house. When your parents were young, the average cost of a house was 12-20,000, around one year's salary. Nowadays it's closer to TWENTY years of salary, plus hundreds of thousands in interest! Did I sign a loan for massive payments and a baloon payment 20 years down the road? No, I bought something I could actually afford, and only took on 50,000 in debt. For the "good luck buying a house with cash" guy: Suck my dick, it can be done. It's not about discipline, it's about buying things when you can AFFORD them, not when you WANT them.


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