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WARGASM sept 13th

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[May 12,2008 11:12am - whoremastery ""]
Boston's legendary Wargasm will be performing live at the Middle East
in Cambridge, Massachusetts on Saturday, September 13th as part of the
20th anniversary celebration of the release of their classic "Why Play
Around?" album.

The show will be recorded for future release as "Why
Play Alive!"

[May 12,2008 11:26am - the_reverend ""]
wow... I went to the last anniversary.
[May 12,2008 11:26am - thuringwethil at the library  ""]


great fucking news
[May 12,2008 1:43pm - Whoremastery ""]
[May 12,2008 1:53pm - Wargasm member  ""]
everyone but that faggit Robb can come see us

rock and roll
[May 12,2008 10:45pm - Mike Pile  ""]
holy nuts
[May 13,2008 12:27am - ThirdKnuckle ""]
Thrash pioneers WARGASM reveal 20th Anniversary live plans, DVD release

Boston’s legendary Wargasm will be performing live at the Middle East in Cambridge, Massachusetts on Saturday, September 13th as part of the 20th anniversary celebration of the release of their classic “Why Play Around?” album. The show will be recorded for future release as “Why Play Alive!” As with their 2004 reunion, the show is happening in conjunction with Rawkstars, a music education-based non-profit that benefits low income Boston area kids. Tickets can be purchased here: http://www.ticketmaster.com/artist/1220722

TartareanDesire.com American editor, Tony Belcher, recently caught up with Wargasm bassist/vocalist Bob Mayo for a rare interview, excerpted below.

Belcher: Since Thrash is back in a big way are the planets perhaps aligned for a more than casual reunion of Wargasm?

Mayo: We’ll never be a band again in the same way we were from ‘85-‘95, but as long as we’re all still breathing, and we feel that there’s something cool to do, we’ll ‘re-activate’ for this or that project. The 20th anniversary of Why Play Around is a no-brainer—we couldn’t let that go by without celebrating it somehow. So there’s a bunch of Wargasm stuff happening this year.

Belcher: What about the band's long-in-the-making live DVD?

Mayo: The DVD will definitely be out this summer. I actually just saw some raw footage from it today and it looks great. Beyond the entire ’04 reunion show, we’re including tons of live video from the European/US tours we did, and also the ‘Dreadnaut Day’ video… lots of archival stuff as extras. You can see a teaser for the DVD here:

Belcher: What about any previously unreleased recordings? Surely there are some such skeletons in the closet....

Mayo: We have 6 or 7 unfinished recordings that have been sitting around for years, and we’ll be finishing them up sometime soon, as part of the 20th anniversary… Our 2 web sites, http://www.myspace.com/wargasm and http://www.wargasm.org/intro.html are currently being reworked, so those are the best places to stay in touch with everything that’s going on with us this year. Eventually you will be able to get those songs, as well as other merchandise, through those sites.

Belcher: Are there additional plans to perhaps have the out of print, hard to find Wargasm back catalog reissued, too?

Mayo: We are researching the possibilities there, but we’re not waiting around. For the anniversary of WPA?, we’ve decided to re-release that particular album in a different way: we’re going to do a 20th anniversary show, play the songs from the record in sequence, record the show, and release a live version of the Why Play Around album. The show is scheduled for Saturday, September 13th at the Middle East in Cambridge, Ma. That’s the same venue where we filmed the reunion show for the DVD, and once again the show is being produced & promoted in conjunction with Rawkstars, the music-based non-profit that we partnered with for the reunion show in ’04. So if you weren’t part of audience for the reunion show DVD, come down to this show and be on the “Why Play Alive!” CD.

To read the interview in it’s entirety, click here: http://www.tartareandesire.com/main.php

Rawkstars, Inc. is a Massachusetts based non-profit providing opportunities for kids through music. Rawkstars doesn't exist to churn out virtuosos, but helps teach kids important skills that will serve them throughout their lives. Music is the vehicle, not the destination. For more information, check out www.rawkstars.org, or email info@rawkstars.org.
[May 15,2008 7:51am - ThirdKnuckle ""]
Jeez, where's Jim Ash when you need a bump?
[May 15,2008 8:00am - the_reverend ""]
ha! he's living in a fairy castle and speaking elvish. you do know that now that you meantioned his name, im going to get an email from him asking to remove it cause they just want to get on with their lives. when i dont answer that email, he will email me the same thing from his family members email accounts.
[May 15,2008 8:05am - corpus_colostomy ""]
i can remember walking into my heavy metal cousins house in stoughton in like 86-87' and they were all liek "kehd, you hurd ahh waaahgasm?"
up until that point i knew i loved metal but was to young for "shows."
i did my homework post haste, and found this band to be "wiiiicked fuck'n awwwwesome dood."

[May 15,2008 9:48am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

the_reverend said:ha! he's living in a fairy castle and speaking elvish. you do know that now that you meantioned his name, im going to get an email from him asking to remove it cause they just want to get on with their lives. when i dont answer that email, he will email me the same thing from his family members email accounts.

hahahahaha fucking pathetic.
[May 15,2008 11:44am - DYA/NLI  ""]
So down for this, it's not even funny.
[May 19,2008 6:34pm - Deteriorot  ""]
Fuck yeah, Temporary Insanity should re-unite for this show as well(just a thought)Looking forward for that DVD, make it happen!!!
[May 19,2008 7:02pm - BlackoutRick ""]
How about a Wargasm, SBC, Only Living Witness, Eye For An Eye, and Youth With Bats show?
[May 19,2008 7:21pm - fishcakes ""]
I remember seeing these fuckers at the old living room and getting my two front teeth knocked loose in the pit. it was fuckin sick! I will be at this shit.
[May 31,2008 2:56pm - Murder Steinbag  ""]
this will be the show of the fucking year. I hope all you trendy scenester douche bags come out and learn a thing or two. 'GASM!!!
[May 31,2008 3:05pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
Wargasm made my Ninth Grade year so awesome. Only saw 'em twice though.
[Aug 22,2008 7:28pm - ThirdKnuckle ""]
[Aug 22,2008 10:14pm - GodlessRob ""]

That's better!
Can not wait for this show.

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