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Eco homes

[May 13,2008 4:58pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

Some dude built this with no training, he's not a carpenter or anything. it cost him about 6000 dollars to make.





He explains all the details and plans for a whole village of these things. When I get out of school I want to invest in something similar to this, looking into maybe finding eco-nerds to move up north in an eco-village/farming community
[May 13,2008 4:59pm - ZJD ""]
This looks like bag end.
[May 13,2008 5:01pm - W3 nli  ""]
looks like someone watched the smurfs a lil too much growing up
[May 13,2008 5:09pm - Sacreligion ""]

W3%20nli said:looks like someone watched the smurfs a lil too much growing up

zjd is more accurate than you, sir
[May 13,2008 5:19pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I'd give it one good rain storm before the whole thing collapses and kills everyone inside.
[May 13,2008 5:20pm - Sacreligion ""]
it looks like he has canvas between the sod and the support beams. i'm sure it will withstand pretty well. surely not a permanent structure, but a good fuckin idea nonetheless
[May 13,2008 5:45pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
I want get something similar to this but a little more advanced. Probably just get an all timber structure with eco-friendly utilities, maybe a sod roof. Garden for food, maybe if I have enough land some pigs for meat and a cow for milk, some chickens...turkeys
[May 13,2008 6:13pm - Sacreligion ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:I want get something similar to this but a little more advanced. Probably just get an all timber structure with eco-friendly utilities, maybe a sod roof. Garden for food, maybe if I have enough land some pigs for meat and a cow for milk, some chickens...turkeys

FTW. good for the environment and self-sufficient. there's a lot of money to be lost if everyone did that, though.
[May 13,2008 7:39pm - Niccolai ""]
No way, if everyone raised their own livestock the world would be MUCH worse off.

People complain about cars producting too much carbon dioxide, wait till everyone has cows and pigs.

A cow would probably produce more greenhouse gasses in a week then an F350 super duty does in a year.
[May 13,2008 7:39pm - Niccolai ""]
oh, and enjoy your aids, hippies.
[May 13,2008 7:47pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

Niccolai said:No way, if everyone raised their own livestock the world would be MUCH worse off.

People complain about cars producting too much carbon dioxide, wait till everyone has cows and pigs.

A cow would probably produce more greenhouse gasses in a week then an F350 super duty does in a year.

everyone wouldn't have to raise their own, you could have one decent size farm support a small village...and the thing about the carbon dioxide being produced by animals...

They already waste a lot of carbon dioxide shipping those animals and other food stuffs on average 15,000 miles...so what they waste in raising these animals and then shipping them off would be much more than if say every 300 people had a medium sized farm to live off of.

Livestock isn't the way though, the focus needs to be on grains and vegetables. Meat should be consumed like once a day as a small portion, but americans seem to think meat is the main part of the meal and that it should be a huge 20 ounce steak every night...why we have such a poor health record.

I say they start investing into rice if it can be grown here, we already dominate corn.

I have some pretty radical ideas about the environment, for one there would be mandatory relocation of all citizens to well planned out megacities...this would reduce the waste caused by urban sprawl and leave large tracts of land open for farming and hopefully one day a larger hunting industry.

I think all of the high rises in major cities should be covered in green roofs, maybe even vegetable garden roofs.

the first step is local, everyone here should take pride in the stuff made here and buy it whenever possible, localizing industries that can be localized would help out the world, and our bank accounts, on a large scale.
[May 13,2008 8:07pm - Niccolai ""]
If you can pull it off, more power to you, but there's alot of problems with living like this... which is why people don't do it anymore.
[May 13,2008 8:38pm - the_reverend ""]
[May 14,2008 9:52am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

Niccolai said:oh, and enjoy your aids, hippies.

THANK you.

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