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I need opinions(cell phone owners)

[May 15,2008 9:52am - aaron_michael ""]
the Blackberry curve.

anyone have one? if so, pros and cons?
[May 15,2008 9:56am - corpus_colostomy ""]
dood blackjack 2 is whats up...
[May 15,2008 9:59am - |an ""]
i just got a tilt and i'm thinkin' of switching it to a blackberry
windows mobile sucks

damn not having access to good symbian phones
[May 15,2008 10:01am - the_reverend ""]
um.. the tilt is amazing (as long as you don't tilt it)
the blackberries have a really pricey service charge, no touch screen, and the SMS messages go through your email inbox which I found annoying.
[May 15,2008 10:12am - |an ""]
tilt sux dude, it's slow and the interface blows

it's a killer device (wifi, gps, all that)
too bad the implimentation sucks
[May 15,2008 10:19am - ellesarusrex ""]
i have a blackberry pearl.. shes ok
[May 15,2008 10:33am - aaron_michael ""]

the_reverend said:
the blackberries have a really pricey service charge

I'm hoping to be able to keep my same plan, along with my unlimited internet package and just switch over SIM cards with a few modifications since the more and more I research this phone, the more and more I want it.

I hate getting looked at like a pompous asshole everytime I open my sidekick(commence mocking)
[May 15,2008 10:41am - the_reverend ""]
there is a $30 blackberry email service charge for blackberry pushmail.
[May 15,2008 10:41am - the_reverend ""]
ian: are you using winmo 6.0 or 6.1? 6.1 is awesome on the tilt.
[May 15,2008 11:00am - |an ""]
dunno, in the about it only says win mo pro 6

the slowness from switching screen layouts when you pull out the keyboard sucks

and there's other annoying quirks, like how the screen goes dim on a call after like 5 sec and you have to press a button to get it back. then you have to click (with the stylus cuz it's pretty damn small) the "keypad" menu to get your keypad back. pretty convenient when you're dialing a phone system while driving.
[May 15,2008 11:43am - the_reverend ""]
you are using 6.0
I would love a tilt with 6.1. I guess it gives you 33% better battery and better performance.

as for the switching thing:
[May 15,2008 12:33pm - |an ""]

is 6.1 a free upgrade? fuckit, i got msdn anyway
[May 15,2008 12:36pm - the_reverend ""]
yes it will be. you have an msdn license? really?
[May 15,2008 12:42pm - |an ""]
access, yes.
[May 15,2008 12:45pm - the_reverend ""]
hm.. msdn licenses are like $2000/year.
[May 15,2008 12:45pm - |an ""]
btw 6.1 isn't out yet for the tilt
[May 15,2008 12:47pm - the_reverend ""]

there is a ROM with it. I've seen it running on a tilt.
[May 15,2008 12:50pm - Yeti ""]
blackberry, bah. stick with currier pigeons.
[May 15,2008 12:51pm - the_reverend ""]
as far as i know, 6.1 isnt out for anything.
[May 15,2008 1:12pm - |an ""]
hmm i'm gonna check out that rom
[May 15,2008 1:23pm - thegreatspaldino ""]

Yeti said:blackberry, bah. stick with currier pigeons.

[May 15,2008 1:28pm - xmikex ""]

Just stay away from the zero key.
[May 15,2008 1:29pm - Yeti ""]

thegreatspaldino said:
Yeti said:blackberry, bah. stick with currier pigeons.


gah, how disappointing.
[May 15,2008 1:32pm - sacreligion ""]

xmikex said:Just stay away from the zero key.

DA: Now where on the doll did the bad man touch you?
Kid: The...*gasp*...the zero key!

[May 16,2008 6:24am - aaron michaelNLI  ""]
I'm pretty much sold, but bump anyways

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