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9 year old girl has dead twin in stomach

[May 15,2008 1:56pm - Pires ""]
ATHENS, Greece - A 9-year-old girl who went to hospital in central Greece suffering from stomach pains was found to be carrying her embryonic twin, doctors said Thursday. Doctors at Larissa General Hospital examined the girl and surgically removed a growth they later discovered was an embryo more than two inches long. "They could see on the right side that her belly was swollen, but they couldn't suspect that this tumor would hide an embryo," hospital director Iakovos Brouskelis said. The girl has made a full recovery, he said. Andreas Markou, head of the hospital's pediatric department, said the embryo was a formed fetus with a head, hair and eyes, but no brain or umbilical cord. Markou said cases where one of a set of twins absorbs the other in the womb occurs in one of 500,000 live births. The girl's family did not want to be identified, hospital officials said.

[May 15,2008 2:06pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
"Larissa General Hospital"

LOL at that

yes, I am well aware it is a Greek city
[May 15,2008 3:16pm - Yeti ""]
that happened to a girl i used to know. they said it was due to intrauterine cannibalism. they removed a tumor that had hair and what resembled teeth in it from her abdomen. she also had a fucked up growth that supposedly would have grown into a leg.
[May 15,2008 3:22pm - DYA/NLI  ""]
[May 15,2008 3:29pm - the_reverend ""]
there is a term for a tumor that is a parasitic twin, but I forget what it is now.

I bet she had a decript birth
[May 15,2008 3:35pm - anonymonster  ""]
Acardiac twin?
[May 15,2008 3:36pm - Yeti ""]
[May 15,2008 5:07pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
there was a woman who got dna tests as well as her family, because she needed a kidney transplant. and they found out that her son was not her's....long story short, she had two sets of dna in her, she was two people, one twin's dna was passed on to her blood, the rest was her body. Her twin was the son's real mother, not her....fucked up
[May 15,2008 5:21pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I wonder if she got to take it home with her in a jar.
[May 15,2008 7:52pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:there was a woman who got dna tests as well as her family, because she needed a kidney transplant. and they found out that her son was not her's....long story short, she had two sets of dna in her, she was two people, one twin's dna was passed on to her blood, the rest was her body. Her twin was the son's real mother, not her....fucked up

lnx, plox?
[May 15,2008 7:54pm - Pires ""]

y_ddraig_goch said:there was a woman who got dna tests as well as her family, because she needed a kidney transplant. and they found out that her son was not her's....long story short, she had two sets of dna in her, she was two people, one twin's dna was passed on to her blood, the rest was her body. Her twin was the son's real mother, not her....fucked up

that's the greatest story ever. true or not. i'm not saying i don't believe you, but man, that's some sweet horror movie shit right thurr.
[May 15,2008 7:55pm - archaeon ""]
It's called Fetus in Fetu. Some asain kid did a report on it in my bio class last year.
[May 15,2008 8:12pm - brian_dc ""]

DYA/NLI said:[img]

[May 15,2008 8:56pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

Pires said:
y_ddraig_goch said:there was a woman who got dna tests as well as her family, because she needed a kidney transplant. and they found out that her son was not her's....long story short, she had two sets of dna in her, she was two people, one twin's dna was passed on to her blood, the rest was her body. Her twin was the son's real mother, not her....fucked up

that's the greatest story ever. true or not. i'm not saying i don't believe you, but man, that's some sweet horror movie shit right thurr.

it was on the public radio station. I guess it's the rarest twin mishap that can happen. The nurse tried saying that maybe the baby got mixed up at birth...but the blood matched the dad. So they tested all kinds of different parts of her body and found two different sets of dna in her.

Someone then asked if she believed that she had two souls.

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