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[May 20,2008 10:54am - Joshtruction ""]
Anyone ever see this movie? It made me think of this place for some reason.


Plot: Welcome to the sexually degenerate world of the cockface Killer, an ominous being with the sole purpose of obstructing perversion. The hero of our tale, Mark (Rick Kauffman of the Poots), works by day as a lowly clerk at an adult video store, and spends his inebriated evenings with his loving girlfriend Stacy. After one such night of intimacy is prematurely disrupted by the cockface Killer, Mark embarks on a crusade to destroy cockface and make the city safe for his perverted social circle. With the police force in denial of the cockface Killers existence.


there is the first 30 minutes... if you want more let me know hahaha.
[May 20,2008 11:54pm - Joshtruction ""]
This wacked out shit deserves a bump...
[May 21,2008 2:49am - Martins ""]
This movie is amazing. I need to see more.
[May 21,2008 9:17am - Joshtruction ""]

[May 21,2008 9:17am - Joshtruction ""]
[May 21,2008 2:26pm - Joshtruction ""]
this deserves a bump

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