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Go Georgia!!!

[Jan 30,2004 1:26pm - the_reverend ""]
back to the 1700's

banning the word "evolution" from science!
[Jan 30,2004 1:30pm - davyp ""]
are you kidding me? the word is synonomus w/ scince..... thats fucking rediculous
[Jan 30,2004 2:49pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
"biological changes over time" geez... that's so un-American
because it takes too long to say.
[Jan 30,2004 6:01pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
American's need something that is free (at first glance) and thought-free. Hooray for religion!
[Jan 31,2004 1:51am - MyDeadDoll ""]
free and thought free.... like the samples of
perfume that come in magazines? it's free
and you don't think about them... until you
smell how bad they reek. or..... like STD's....
free and you never think about getting them
until you do... (not saying this from experience,
thank you very much)
[Jan 31,2004 2:32am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I love how the Supernintendo of Georgia Schools referred to evolution as a "buzzword" Didn't Darwin mention "evolution" a few times back in 1859 when "Origin of Species" was released? Or the process could be described as Darwinism.

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