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just downloaded two unreleased albums

[May 22,2008 9:19am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Moonspell's newest and hollenthon's newest

both are instant gold. I know there are a lot of moonspell haters on this board, but you need to give this album and memorial a listen, they always change their sound so if the only thing you heard was sin/pecado or butterfly fx, then listen to the two most recent and wolfheart.

hollenthon's is fucking amazing, blows the other two albums out of the water, only if it wasn't the version with 'you're listening to the new hollenthon album opus magnum' in every song


there's a hollenthon song, misterium babel, heavily arabic, egyptian sounding metal
[May 22,2008 9:26am - y_ddraig_goch ""]

another hollenthon song, this one is the only one i found without the annoying "you're listening too..." person in it.

it's a lot heavier than the other one, this one has a heavy orchestra, choir element
[May 22,2008 10:23am - dreadkill ""]
new hollenthon is very good. i haven't listened to it enough.
[May 22,2008 11:28am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
may 30th I think is the release
[May 22,2008 11:44am - DYA/NLI  ""]

SRSLY, I'll grab these at the house once the nice man from Cox fixes my intertubes.
[May 22,2008 3:46pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I thought Moonspell was done?

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