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gaming question

[May 30,2008 6:16pm - Mess ""]
a friend of mine just let me borrow Doom 3 for my laptop. my question is, how can you tell if your system is good for games? i have an acer with windows xp media center edition. i installed all the discs and fooled around for a bit. it seems to move a little slow? almost like frame by frame or some shit. there is a sticker on my laptop that has some info on it but it all looks chinkkkese to me. one thing it says is Intel graphics media accelerator 950? wtf does that shit mean?
[May 30,2008 6:39pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
it means your comp cant play doom 3 on higher settings.

chances are if you know nothing about comps and you didnt have memory or a graphics card installed after the purchase... it wont be able to play games from the last couple years very well.

256mb ddr2 graphics card an up = good

2 gigs of ram or more = good

processing power of 3 ghz or more = good
[May 30,2008 6:42pm - DYA / NLI  ""]
START - (possibly) Settings - Control Panel - System - General tab should show you what speed processor you have (next to "CPU" listed in MHz) and how much memory you have (listed next to RAM in KB). Then just cancel out.

Also, delete system32 for great win.
[May 30,2008 6:49pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
hahah dont say that... he might actually do it.
[May 30,2008 7:26pm - narkybark ""]
You probably don't have the video card power to run something like Doom3, I imagine most laptops don't. If nothing else try lowering the graphic options in the game, or try a software render mode if it has one (not sure too many games do these days).

There are websites that will look at your comp specs vs. a specific game and will tell you if the game is likely to run on your comp or meet the minimum requirements.
[May 30,2008 9:54pm - Mess ""]

thegreatspaldino said:hahah dont say that... he might actually do it.

[May 31,2008 3:59am - sxealex ""]
the intel gma 950 uses your onboard ram (its not seperate video memory) so if you get more ram it might help out a lot. but all in all your kinda screwed for 3d gaming. that chip has no 3d geometry processing so its all down to your regular processor O.O. buy a desktop for gamingfo rizzle ;) 300 bills will do you quite well
[May 31,2008 9:36am - the_reverend ""]
with the integrated chip, the RAM is further away from the video card too so you have a lot more latency. with laptops, you really cant change any think with the video card either since it's all part of the mother board. the used to make PCMCIA accelerators, but that has completely did since the pcmcia bus can only do 20mbps. they toy with the idea of usb speedboosters, but the 480mbps there is too slow now-a-days. vista does have "ready boost" but that wont help you.
[May 31,2008 9:45am - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
wow, I love Doom 3, but I'm stuck in one of the hell levels I can't escape the path without falling into the lava
[May 31,2008 3:11pm - Mess ""]
so maybe i should give it a go anyway? i know it'll probably piss me off though. i hate when you move the mouse and it stays stuck for a bit. what if i save the game to my external hd? haha i know it probably wouldn't make a difference right?

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