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Hail Of Bullets-...Of Frost And War

[May 31,2008 3:38pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Goddamn this CD is fucking good. 2008 is proving to be a great year for metal releases; too bad my wallet can't support my addiction. But...

::cough::http://lix.in/6d649ebe ::cough::
[May 31,2008 3:43pm - archaeon ""]
Woah a band on metalblade that isn't gay.
[May 31,2008 3:44pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
No shit. I downloaded it by chance, since the name sounded familiar. Then after listening to it I looked up old threads on here and realized it's a fucking metal all-star band. This shit crushes.
[May 31,2008 3:45pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
The groove at the beginning of "Advancing Once More" makes me want to shake a puppy.
[May 31,2008 3:46pm - Joshtruction ""]
what all stars?
[May 31,2008 3:50pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
"Hail of Bullets consists of former PESTILENCE and current ASPHYX-singer Martin van Drunen, ex-HOUWITSER bass player Theo van Eekelen, GOREFEST-drummer Ed Warby and both THANATOS-guitarists Paul Baayens (also in ASPHYX) and Stephan Gebédi. Hails of Bullets will appeal to fans of old school death metal like Autopsy, Bolt Thrower, and Death."
[May 31,2008 3:53pm - Hoser ""]
I'm dl'ing it now. Will this be great or gay?
[May 31,2008 3:54pm - Hoser ""]
Wow...it is sick.

Found the video on youtube.

Holy fucking awesome!

[May 31,2008 3:57pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Mark Fucking Richards does not listen to gay music...ok, maybe a little. Hail Of Bullets is heterosexuality in music form.
[May 31,2008 4:03pm - mortalis ""]
van drunen fucking kills.
[May 31,2008 4:06pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
He can have my babies any day.
[May 31,2008 4:08pm - Hoser ""]
You see the video yet? Killer shit.
[May 31,2008 4:12pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'll be checking it out in due time.
[May 31,2008 6:32pm - Hoser ""]
I dig it...video is the best. I posted it above^^^^^
[May 31,2008 7:06pm - powerkok ""]
ya ok, why dont you two just fuck and get it over with.
[Jun 1,2008 7:02pm - Conservationist ""]
Having sex to brutal death metal isn't gay, even if you're both men.


Chuck Schuldiner didn't die of AIDS, it was a rare brain cancer even if no diagnosis exists and his death certificate says pneumonia related to immune system dysfunction.

He never sucked a boatload of dicks, or took anal penetration like a champ. Really.

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