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What Merch should I make next?

[Jun 6,2008 8:38pm - the_reverend ""]
I've been hemming and hawing about gayass scene site merch.
Hoodies & Tshirts
How many of each size should I get?
I want to do tag less tshirts (cause I like them better) and hoodies that are a touch thicker than the ones that I had done before. The designs are going to be white and another colors (either red, blue, or gray).
[Jun 6,2008 8:39pm - the_reverend ""]
oh, the tshirts are going to have just a design on the front.
the hoodies will have white on the front and white + one color on the back.
[Jun 6,2008 8:41pm - pam ""]
will the hoodies zip up?
[Jun 6,2008 8:42pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
New Pathos shirts are tagless, use Blunt Force Graphics!


Do more zippies, i want one.
[Jun 6,2008 8:42pm - the_reverend ""]
yes, zip up hoodies.
[Jun 6,2008 8:43pm - pam ""]
Excellent. I hate pullovers.
[Jun 6,2008 8:44pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm probably going to figure out what I want and send a few places emails to get them all done at the same place. I would also get them to send me one of their mis-print hoodies. I'm wicked picky about hoodies and I don't want one of the shitty ones with the tiny hoods or the ones that have hoods so big that you become a jawa...
[Jun 6,2008 8:46pm - the_reverend ""]
pullovers muss yer hair.
the only person ever pissed about zip ups was todd (dwelling sickness).
[Jun 6,2008 8:46pm - archaeon ""]
I'd snag a zip up and a hat would be cool, but they're expensive.
[Jun 6,2008 8:49pm - powerkok ""]
Fuck zip ups and fuck hair!!
Pullovers all day.

Well....not anymore, I havent worn a hoodie in over a year...shit I havent worn fucking PANTS in over a year!!!!

[Jun 6,2008 8:49pm - pam ""]
muss hair, snag earrings, smear make up...you all have these problems, right?
[Jun 6,2008 8:51pm - powerkok ""]
ya that. and make you feel penetrable.
[Jun 6,2008 8:51pm - powerkok ""]
penetrable to the evil orbs.
[Jun 6,2008 9:03pm - Martins ""]
I'd buy shit.
[Jun 6,2008 9:30pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jun 6,2008 10:25pm - Conservationist ""]
longsleeves with giant logos

cock rings
[Jun 7,2008 9:40am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Official RTTP gauntlets.
[Jun 7,2008 9:45am - RichHorror ""]
[Jun 7,2008 10:10am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
RTTP dice.

And for the lesbian listeners, RTTP dental dams.
[Jun 7,2008 10:12am - Granny_Monster ""]

I'm only kinda kidding.
[Jun 7,2008 10:37am - rotivore ""]
XXL is Law!
[Jun 7,2008 10:48am - Conservationist ""]
fragments of the One True Cross
[Jun 7,2008 7:18pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I vote for pullovers.

also, I know I've said this before, but i'll be the first person to buy a rttp T-shirt with the tribal logo.
[Jun 7,2008 8:55pm - Joshtruction ""]
make some ICP baby hoodies! Look up mission screen printing on myspace. Not sure if he has it as screen printing or clothing though. Same dude that did the romans/tigers den shows.
[Jun 7,2008 9:40pm - craigforacurse ""]

RichHorror said:Broadswords.
[Jun 7,2008 10:22pm - succubus ""]
and to the ladies...regartding tshirts...if there are girlie shirts would you buy those over regular ones? if so..what sizes?
[Jun 8,2008 3:46am - Niccolai ""]
[Jun 8,2008 8:32am - josh_hates_you ""]

Granny_Monster said:Frisbees.

I'm only kinda kidding.


play disc golf
[Jun 8,2008 8:51am - corpus_colostomy ""]

Niccolai said:[img]

It's to expensive to make just one "special order."
[Jun 9,2008 12:46pm - Niccolai ""]
Who said anything about one? people would buy those by the millions.
[Jun 9,2008 12:48pm - DiE-nli  ""]

the_reverend said:...or the ones that have hoods so big that you become a jawa...

huge hoods are the win!

I like looking like a jawwa with my hood on, or you could do white ones and sell them as Klan merch! :nuke:
[Jun 9,2008 12:49pm - Yeti ""]
zip ups, definitely. big hoods are good too, for those of us with monstrous craniums.
[Jun 9,2008 12:58pm - xmikex ""]
tshirts that say: THIS IS RTTP - NOT LAMBGOAT

subtitute lambgoat for b9 or bay state rock.

also: cocksleeves
[Jun 10,2008 11:19am - corpus_colostomy ""]

Niccolai said:Who said anything about one? people would buy those by the millions.

right ova ya head..
[Jun 10,2008 12:28pm - xmikex ""]

xmikex said:tshirts that say: THIS IS RTTP - NOT LAMBGOAT

subtitute lambgoat for b9 or bay state rock.

srsly. i'd pay money for that.

or a shirt with pedobear playing a warlock guitar.
[Jun 18,2008 10:22am - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 18,2008 10:28am - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to make a few limited shirts with a modified design like this on them. Some where btw 50 and 150 of them.

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