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Noosebomb etc 2/28 AllAsia show.....................

[Feb 2,2004 7:50pm - noosebomb666 ""]
has been postponed. This might actually be a good thing. We are moving it to a Saturday Night so more people will/can come out. It will probably be at the Chopping Block, everyones favorite dive. CONIFER has been added to the bill as well so you all can come out and see PHANTOS in action.

More info as soon as I have some......In the mean time :doublehorns:
[Feb 2,2004 8:24pm - phantos ""]
[Feb 3,2004 7:52am - subjugate ""]
no more metal at all asia :(
[Feb 3,2004 9:13am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
the feb 28th show has been replaced with a red invasion show, so people who like punk should still head down that day
[Feb 3,2004 9:28am - succubus ""]
subjugate said:no more metal at all asia :(

why not?
[Feb 3,2004 9:46am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
because Mike's snare drum kills asians
[Feb 3,2004 9:49am - succubus ""]
succubus said:subjugate said:no more metal at all asia :(

why not?

[Feb 3,2004 9:55am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think Patti was just discouraged that the show did so poorly. The eurotrash city of cambridge has been breathing down their neck and they are afraid of having bands play show would incite moshing because they don't want to lose their entertainment license (thats what they got threatened with after a fight broke out there).

However, my show before that with Disengaged did so well that they actually shut everyone off from the bar before Disengaged even started, and they loved the destruction that Disengaged brings on stage. Nobody got hurt, except Moran and Beakey, because moshing doesn't happen at my shows. I have a metal show there on February 7th, I bet if it does well then the club won't mind as much with metal.

If All Asia stops doing metal though, blame yourselves for not supporting the shows there, and not them.
[Feb 3,2004 10:40am - succubus ""]
everyone's in it for money

[Feb 3,2004 10:42am - succubus ""]
i blame them and the lazy people..both!
[Feb 3,2004 6:48pm - noosebomb666 ""]
bump it
[Feb 3,2004 10:35pm - phantos ""]
all I wanted to do was slurp down a scorpion bowl....
[Feb 4,2004 8:52am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
succubus said:i blame them and the lazy people..both!

how can you blame the club when the city is threatening to shut them down because hardcore kids are gay?
[Feb 4,2004 9:30am - succubus ""]
i thought you said they were discouraged that the show did poorly..i.e. poor turnout ...but you book different shows there, sometimes good turnout and sometimes not...if they are going to hold it against you..then...they suck...

now based upon what you just said about the city shutting them down...well, i reread your original post...and i see what happened...that sucks...but as for your "eurotrash" cambridge.... comment..totally uncalled for dude! :spineyes:
[Feb 4,2004 9:47am - litacore ""]
Pornbelt had our swan song at all asia--they dicked us around a bit but since the place is so close to me it'd be nice to continue the metal if poss.

i am somerville trash :?)
[Feb 4,2004 10:28am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i think all asia would be willing to turn more of a blind eye to stuff if they were making money on a show, ive never had trouble at any of my shows, but i doubt patti knows the difference between hardcore and metal, its all just heavy and screaming to her.
i told her ive never had a fight at a show ive booked anywhere.
[Feb 4,2004 1:26pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Liar. Blue and I got into a big fight at the last Chopping Block show. So much for your perfect record.

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