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Help Foghorn out! [selling music stuff]

[Jun 10,2008 8:52pm - xanonymousx ""]
Behringer V-Tone GMX212 2X60 Watt Stereo Guitar Combo


Korg D-888 8-Track Digital Recording Studio

$500 (and guess what, never got to use it )

I've got monitors for it too, and headphones I'll sell to you cheap. I'm not listing them b/c I forget what brand they are, and I'm not bothering to look right now.

B-52 100W 4x12 Half Stack

$350 (I used this through college, love it, but have too many amps)
I'll sell the cab and the head separately also if you want.

Let me know if anyone wants anything, b/c I'm just gonna pawn it if not.

[Jun 10,2008 8:56pm - xanonymousx ""]

[Jun 11,2008 1:40pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Wow, how the fuck did I never connect you to that username before? I'm a tard.

You have too many amps now? Please elaborate.
[Jul 3,2008 11:17pm - xanonymousx ""]
I'm not foghorn... I was just helping him out...

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