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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to Joshtruction.
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[QUOTE="Joshtruction:773276"] Well we told you guys that there was some big news comming from Turbined Records soon, and here it is! We have been busy taking care of some legal and personal matters for a little while now. Now after getting the business end of things straight we are pushing to bring Turbined to the next level. So on to the news! Turbined Records has is proud to announce we just inked in a deal with Blighted Touch. Blighted Touch is a technical Death Metal band pushing across a vulgar aggressive yet so very needed message on todays music scene. Keep an eye out for shows, shirts, and their first Turbined release comming out in fall of 08. Give our myspace a quick look for a sample song "Parasite" off of the future Turbined release. Be sure to ad them and check out their other stuff too. Blighted Touch http://www.myspace.com/blightedtouch (new myspace comming soon!!!) Turbined Records http://www.myspace.com/turbinedrecords We also have some more great news for everyone! We will be filming and releasing the almighty 2008 New England Death Fest DVD!!! Basically get your ass there, see the most brutal and amazing acts in Death Metal today, and get your self in a DVD! Be sure to check out their myspace and ad them! http://www.myspace.com/newenglanddeathfest http://newenglanddeathfest.cjb.net Turbined is also working on booking some more shows finally. We are currently going over the final details with the venues and should be hoting shows soon. More details about this TBA soon! Like always we are always interested in new bands. If you want us to take a look at your stuff we are always accepting press kits. Please email or myspace us a message for more information on this. turbinedrecords@gmail.com We still have some slots open for video shoots in early August. Check out or blog on myspace for more information. Full HD, editing etc etc all at great rates! Book now! [/QUOTE]
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