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Whats your favorite sample ever?

[Jun 17,2008 5:08pm - AfterWorldObliteration ""]
Beggining of Church of Deviance (SOP), Butcher the Weak, and any Charles Bronson song.
[Jun 17,2008 5:13pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
the beginning of "Do Not Speak" by Anaal Nathrakh
[Jun 17,2008 5:22pm - thuringwethil ""]
I love the ones on Anoxia 'Intense Killings,' especially the Ghostbusters one

[Jun 17,2008 5:24pm - aril  ""]
Every sample that Skinless has ever used.
[Jun 17,2008 5:28pm - Joshtruction ""]

aril said:Every sample that Skinless has ever used.

What he said. I've always wanted to fuck a girl with no legs!
[Jun 17,2008 5:30pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
I said rectum, damn nearly killed 'em
[Jun 17,2008 5:34pm - W3 nli  ""]
sasha grey taken from one of her porns screaming "it all really happend, it all really happend" with Vincent D'Onofrio taken from the Cell panned underneath saying "It's not real, It's not real."

i loved opening our set with that.
[Jun 17,2008 8:21pm - lbpvd  ""]
the rivers edge samples on the dystopia lp. creepy
[Jun 17,2008 8:22pm - brad weymouth  ""]
all of the clips on La Revancha by SPAZZ
[Jun 17,2008 8:24pm - thuringwethil ""]
The Tube Bar

[Jun 17,2008 8:57pm - blue ""]
any xxx maniak sample.

Second place goes to anything charles bronson.
[Jun 17,2008 9:22pm - fishcakes ""]
well I have thought about fuckin me some chickens
[Jun 17,2008 10:21pm - MetalThursday ""]

thuringwethil said:also 'YOU HAVE A RENDEZVOUS WITH MY ASS, MOTHERFUCKER!' on some Goregasm song.

Haha... that's from Coprophiliac off the Stabwound Intercourse CD... the fact that it's Clint Eastwood's voice makes it that much funnier
[Jun 18,2008 12:24am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

AfterWorldObliteration said:Beggining of Church of Deviance (SOP), Butcher the Weak, and any Charles Bronson song.

The whole Charles Bronson record with the Slayer banter in between. NO COMPETITION.
[Jun 18,2008 10:41am - Yeti ""]
"War, its fantastic!" from Skinless
"the funeral is about to begin.....sir" from the beginning of Hearse by Marduk
the one from Devastator by Godflesh
[Jun 18,2008 10:45am - Yeti ""]
Mortician always had awesome samples.
[Jun 18,2008 1:12pm - nemo  ""]
ravage ritual by zao.
[Jun 18,2008 4:41pm - Joshtruction ""]
ISIS the red sea had somecool samples too
[Jun 18,2008 5:13pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Ice T sampling Black Sabbath.
[Jun 18,2008 5:13pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
And Jello Biafra.

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