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Anyone get the Revocation full length?

[Jun 20,2008 12:31pm - ZJD ""]
and want to Sendspace it to me or something? I couldn't make it to the Great Scott show and I want to hear this shit before I can buy it legitimately. I will buy it the first chance I get.

I'm using a coffee shop's wifi and don't have internet otherwise this weekend. Help me get down and stuff.
[Jun 20,2008 1:02pm - ZJD ""]
[Jun 20,2008 2:08pm - anthny  ""]
Hey dude, send us a Myspace message re: getting the CD.
[Jun 20,2008 3:47pm - ouchdrummer ""]
yeah so you dont need to hear it first.... its good, real good. Kinda like old soilwork (chainheart/steelbath) definately a little more brutal though. More consistant drumming.
[Jun 20,2008 5:04pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I want the Revocation full-length!
[Jun 20,2008 5:51pm - blue ""]
shit goes YOWZA all over yo asses!
[Jun 21,2008 4:59am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I don't think comparing this CD to old Soilwork does it justice. Comparing it to how God would make music is more like it. This CD is ridiculous beyond belief; I believe a new adjective has to be created to describe it. I might as well just suck all yous guyses dicks off.
[Jun 21,2008 5:28am - sinistas ""]
As much as I love old Soilwork, this is a different animal. There's influences from across the board, which I don't think you can say for Soilwork.
[Jun 21,2008 3:03pm - ZJD ""]
I have a connection again. Sendspace?
[Jun 21,2008 3:05pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jun 20,2008 2:08pm - anthny ]
Hey dude, send us a Myspace message re: getting the CD.
[Jun 21,2008 3:58pm - Niccolai ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:I might as well just suck all yous guyses dicks off.

I'm into that.
[Jun 21,2008 4:08pm - ZJD ""]
Message sent, revocation isn't on myspace right now, limited internet access, sendspace now, money later.

Come on.
[Jul 28,2008 7:16pm - Corpus_Colostomy ""]
i know this is old news to a degree but i am knee deep in coors light and the new revocation cd. this album from start to finish is highly satisfying...great shit!
[Jul 28,2008 8:47pm - sinistas ""]
This cd is fucking amazing, amazing, amazing.
[Jul 28,2008 9:21pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Yeah, you best have a handful at the show on the 2nd.
[Jul 28,2008 9:28pm - W3 nli  ""]
Cryptic Warning...?
[Jul 28,2008 11:13pm - mr. fucking super  ""]
i like revocation because they can actually play their instruments. most bands around here don't realize what they do is supposed to be considered music; if not even in the most primitive sense. i think if they make a second album, that will be a lot better. but if they do a third album, they could really blow up. damn, i feel like such a fag actually saying positive things. fuck you revocation!

here's where i give the advice that nobody wants to accept:

singer/vocals: this guy is fucking talented. make no bones about it. solos are exceptional, vocals need to lose the cheese on certain parts-- follow what you really like--- like on the demo. no need to do "vocal fry". i would rather hear him try to do cleans (hetfield/araya) then do this new bedford style deth growl that i hear from time to time.

the rhythm section is awesome. i am not going to comment on that as i can see that as this dynamic band grows, it has everything it needs to flourish.

p.s. i am an asshole.
[Jul 28,2008 11:28pm - archaeon ""]
lol wut r instruments?
[Jul 28,2008 11:31pm - Corpus_Colostomy ""]
lol wuuuut?
[Jul 28,2008 11:39pm - mr. fucking super  ""]
ah shut the fuck up. i like archaeon too, and i know you know how to play guitar corp. but i will say that i enjoy hating way more than i should. i mean i really really hate a lot of people. self semi-included.
[Jul 28,2008 11:55pm - archaeon ""]
[Jul 29,2008 12:18am - ernie  ""]
i was very impressed with these dudes live..
[Jul 29,2008 12:34am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jul 29,2008 12:55am - ernie  ""]
that reminds me of space balls
[Jul 29,2008 9:18am - aaron_michael ""]
can't wait to pick this up on saturday

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