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Brian Peppers achieving world domination

[Jun 26,2008 11:16pm - archaeon ""]
[Jun 26,2008 11:18pm - Martins ""]
No one likes you.
[Jun 26,2008 11:19pm - archaeon ""]
mission accomplished.
[Jun 26,2008 11:39pm - BSV  ""]
yeah dude! yan slipped me an unmastered copy of this back when the playoffs were happening. fucking exceptional album, a brillant step up from trilateral progression.
[Jun 26,2008 11:52pm - archaeon ""]
Yeah the CD is fucking great but brian peppers on the cover is way better.
[Jun 27,2008 9:09am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm sure I beat that level in Final Fantasy.
[Jun 27,2008 9:58am - dreadkill ""]
ha, this thread is great

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