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Help me pick a new user name and win a prize!

[Jun 29,2008 10:44pm - brad weymouth  ""]
i now live in Quincy Illinois, so brad weymouth no longer makes sense. the prize is a mix cd-r of my choice, the new Kevorkians Angels cd and probably some other shit.
[Jun 29,2008 10:47pm - Joshtruction ""]
brad killinois
[Jun 29,2008 10:48pm - archaeon ""]
brad not weymouth
[Jun 29,2008 10:50pm - Joshtruction ""]
Funny, while driving to story land the other day I seen a sign for Weymouth and first thing to pop into my head was "brad weymouth"
[Jun 29,2008 10:52pm - brad weymouth  ""]
sweet. there's a Weymouth in ohio, i think it was Ohio. Might have been Indiana. man, what a boring drive, thank god for Sirius satellite radio.
[Jun 29,2008 10:57pm - the_reverend ""]
how 'boot brad of quincy forest
[Jun 29,2008 11:05pm - RichHorror ""]
I still liked theebradness
[Jun 29,2008 11:05pm - Joshtruction ""]
Sir Brad of the West
[Jun 29,2008 11:17pm - brad weymouth  ""]

the_reverend said:how 'boot brad of quincy forest

haha, quincy forest. that was one of Beakey's weirder projects.
i may go back to theebradness, but i have no idea what the password was.
[Jun 30,2008 12:03am - the_reverend ""]
I can email it to you
[Jun 30,2008 5:39am - Kadoorajan Rondo  ""]
[Jun 30,2008 5:42am - Kadoorajan Rondo  ""]
Sir Bradley Felchington III
[Jun 30,2008 5:42am - Kadoorajan Rondo  ""]
[Jun 30,2008 5:42am - Kadoorajan Rondo  ""]
[Jun 30,2008 5:56am - Kadoorajan Rondo  ""]
Brad the Impaler
Obey the Walrus
King of the Jungle
[Jun 30,2008 5:59am - Kadoorajan Rondo  ""]
Brad Walrusmouth
[Jun 30,2008 6:01am - Kadoorajan Rondo  ""]

[Jun 30,2008 6:15am - I‘m a girl  ""]
testicular dingleberries
[Jun 30,2008 6:39am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Flower Lover
[Jun 30,2008 9:28am - xmikex ""]
Black Metal Lady
[Jun 30,2008 9:46am - aril  ""]
Brad I_Wish_I_Still_Lived_in_MA
[Jun 30,2008 10:28am - scumfuck ""]
the user formerly known as brad weymouth
[Jun 30,2008 10:29am - BOBDEAD  ""]
Bad Brad Leroy Brown
[Jun 30,2008 2:40pm - Conservationist ""]
Which Way, Midwestern Man?
[Jun 30,2008 3:10pm - markfuckingrichards ""]
[Jun 30,2008 3:19pm - ellesarusrex ""]

Kadoorajan%20Rondo said:[img]


HAHAHAHA these are the funniest pictures i have seen ever..
[Jun 30,2008 3:28pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

xmikex said:Black Metal Lady


BOBDEAD said:Bad Brad Leroy Brown

Considering Brad's creepy Jim Croce fetish, this may win you a prize, good sir.
[Jun 30,2008 3:50pm - MassOfSlitz NLI  ""]
FIB - wisconsin's pet name for Illi-noisy-ans
[Jun 30,2008 4:14pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 30,2008 4:14pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 30,2008 5:02pm - brad weymouth  ""]

MassOfSlitz%20NLI said:FIB - wisconsin's pet name for Illi-noisy-ans

does it stand for something?
[Jun 30,2008 5:04pm - MassOfSlitz  ""]
Fucking Illinois Bastard
[Jun 30,2008 5:50pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

the_reverend said:stay_at_home_brad

[Jun 30,2008 5:51pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Jun 30,2008 5:56pm - The Revealer  ""]
[Jun 30,2008 5:58pm - brad weymouth  ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:
the_reverend said:stay_at_home_brad


not true anymore
[Jun 30,2008 6:29pm - Mess ""]
how's bout BRADQUINWEY?
how is everything out there so far man?
[Jun 30,2008 9:00pm - brad weymouth  ""]

Mess said:how's bout BRADQUINWEY?
how is everything out there so far man?

not bad. My in-laws have a BAD ASS finished basement. 9 foot ceiling, eat in kitchen, full bathroom, 62 inch dlp tv with cable, big bedroom. Ian will be in the living room and Alexis will be upstairs, so it'll be really private. Quincy IL reminds me of Nashua NH or Braintree MA, that is until you see miles of corn and soy. Weymouth is going black, i think i got out of there just in time. 4 bedroom house with 3 acres and a 2 car garage for 62K??? FUCK YEAH!
[Jul 1,2008 11:44am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
my new name is IllinoisEnemaBradness, i win!
i have 3 KA cd's to send out, reply here and you'll get one, first 3 responses only
[Jul 1,2008 1:52pm - the_reverend ""]
fuck people if they miss this.
that disc is great.
[Jul 1,2008 1:55pm - W3 nli  ""]

the_reverend said:fuck people if they miss this.
that disc is great.

this is pretty much TRUTH.
[Jul 1,2008 1:55pm - Martins ""]
Gimme dat!
[Jul 1,2008 3:42pm - MassOfSlitz  ""]
Yeah, Brad - I cannot believe you're giving this stuff away. Your shit is worth way more than five bucks, let alone free.
[Jul 1,2008 8:43pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
[Jul 1,2008 9:37pm - Ancient Master  ""]

the_reverend said:I can email it to you

hey you think you could email everyones user name and password out again?
[Jul 1,2008 9:40pm - the_reverend ""]
that is on my to do list.
unless that was about my fudge up.
[Jul 2,2008 4:20pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness nli  ""]

MassOfSlitz said:Yeah, Brad - I cannot believe you're giving this stuff away. Your shit is worth way more than five bucks, let alone free.

were you at our last show? i think we sold 8-9 copies, gave away the same amount. i'm giving three copies away cuz i want people to hear it. and since no one ever buys our cd's that's the best way
[Jul 2,2008 4:28pm - W3 nli  ""]
dood best rock record in a long time people def need to hear this shit.

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