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Man rips head from Hitler wax figure

[Jul 5,2008 5:59pm - zyklon ""]
[Jul 5,2008 7:42pm - the_reverend ""]
funnny, I read that earlier.
good times.
[Jul 5,2008 9:16pm - Lamp nli  ""]
Hunters aren't content to mount the heads of deer and moose on their walls anymore...they gotta go for the gold standard that is Hitler.
[Jul 6,2008 12:12am - fleshfries ""]
Hitler didn't technically order the death of the Jews...he just told his guys his basic ideas...they did the rest.
[Jul 6,2008 10:28am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

fleshfries said:Hitler didn't technically order the death of the Jews...he just told his guys his basic ideas...they did the rest.

They were real self-starters.
[Jul 6,2008 10:31am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

fleshfries said:Hitler didn't technically order the death of the Jews...he just told his guys his basic ideas...they did the rest.

would you like an apple pie with that?
[Jul 6,2008 2:46pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I think it's bullshit that they wouldn't let people pose for photos with Hitler.
[Jul 6,2008 3:09pm - powerkok ""]
Hitlers got a watermelon!!
[Jul 6,2008 3:10pm - powerkok ""]

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