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Goldsteins Book new album tracks on Myspace

[Jul 7,2008 10:21am - duanegoldstein ""]
new tracks from our album on the space


and the whole damn thing on our website



[Jul 7,2008 10:24am - GoatCatalyst ""]
got ZOG?
[Jul 7,2008 10:35am - duanegoldstein ""]
none actually jewish, the name is from "1984" the novel or film whichever you prefer. I do know one jewish guy though, does that count?
[Jul 7,2008 10:39am - GoatCatalyst ""]
I have this affliction where I have to post something antisemitic and something derogatory with regards to the blacks on the internet before I can get out of bed. Nothin' personal.
[Jul 7,2008 10:42am - Conservationist ""]
First documented case of "Typing Tourette's"

[Jul 7,2008 10:46am - duanegoldstein ""]
weird, how do you find a website like that, well unless...you know
[Jul 9,2008 11:53am - duanegoldstein ""]
*yep BUMP*

I wold love some feedback and not just full on anti-semitism.

let the beatings begin

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