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Do you think Michael Vick could ever actually come back to the NFL?

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[Jul 8,2008 12:46pm - xmikex ""]
Michael Vick apparently just filed for bankruptcy. A quote from the report said that he “...can, after the conclusion of the bankruptcy case, rebuild his life on a personal and spiritual level, resurrect his image as a public figure, and resolve matters with the NFL such that he can resume his career.”

So after he gets out of jail, and settles his bankruptcy issues (which could take a while), do you think that A. The NFL would actually re-instate him, and B. There would be a team willing to pick him up?

Even on the off chance that the NFL allows him back his only real shot at getting picked up would be by a team that is desperate for quarterback depth (there's no way he'd start) that would get him for dirt cheap. And that team would have to run the risk of being vilified and hated by everyone probably including their own fans. We're talking about a guy who showed flashes of moderate potential (almost cracked 3,000 yards passing in his 2nd year, 7.3 yards per carry career rushing), but was also such a mess that it forced the Falcons to draft Matt Ryan in what was essentially a good will gesture rather than the smartest possible pick.

[Jul 8,2008 12:48pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
nigga pleeze
[Jul 8,2008 12:51pm - eric ""]
some team will give him a one year contract with a bunch of team options. he would be most likely returning kicks though. he should have never been an nfl quarterback in the first place
[Jul 8,2008 12:52pm - Yeti ""]
i voted yes because he definitely could, i just don't think anyone would actually take him, unless like you said, they are absolutely desperate and willing to be vilified.
[Jul 8,2008 1:23pm - W3 nli  ""]
why he did lead his team what like two years in a row to the NFC championship but lose to Philly.
[Jul 8,2008 1:35pm - deadlikemurf ""]
he'll come back.. he could easily step in as a back up QB or even another position.. as a back up back or a reciever..

some team will pick him up...
[Jul 8,2008 1:38pm - W3 nli  ""]
my crystal ball says, the Raiders
[Jul 8,2008 2:00pm - xmikex ""]

W3%20nli said:my crystal ball says, the Raiders

Once Jamarcus Russel fizzles out... probably.
[Jul 8,2008 2:06pm - aril  ""]
Arena Football will always have a spot for Vick.
[Jul 8,2008 2:09pm - W3 nli  ""]

xmikex said:
W3%20nli said:my crystal ball says, the Raiders

Once Jamarcus Russel fizzles out... probably.

naw i figured theyll scoop him up as a returner, back up qb and maybe running back.
[Jul 11,2008 7:31pm - Lemieux  ""]
im sure the bears will need a QB they always need something but ARIL is right he would be more successful in Arena
[Jul 11,2008 8:29pm - monster_island ""]
i say let him back into the league first as the new mascot of the cleveland browns ( dawgs ) ... and then beat him like a dog in the dog pound

[Jul 12,2008 9:03am - powerkok ""]
I say hes on the Cowboys in 2 years, as a back/3rd string qb.

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