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[Jul 13,2008 11:04pm - Conservationist ""]

Consisting of members of Entombed and Therion, the grindcore band Carbonized was a good excuse for them to blow off steam and use their ideas that didn't fit into Swedish death metal albums. The result, with influences ranging from Bolt Thrower to Voivod, was a masterpiece of avantgarde grindcore that could also be enjoyed by old school fans.

Read the reviews...

Carbonized - For the Security (1991)
Carbonized - Disharmonization (1992)
Carbonized - Screaming Machines (1996)

You can also get a taste of Carbonized from the following MP3 sampler:

Carbonized - MP3 samper (MegaUpload)
Carbonized - MP3 Sampler (RapidShare)

For more reviews, read The Dark Legions Archive.
[Jul 13,2008 11:23pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Fuck yes, been a fan since about 1993.

I actually have all 3 CDs, luckily scored the original Thrash Records release of the 1st CD from Angel Dust Records back about 1997.

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