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August 7th @ Ralph's Diner - Metal Thursday XLII: Armory, Trauma Concept (one show only reunion!), Hara Kira & Razormaze 9PM 21+ $5

Ralph's Diner (Worcester, Ma) - [armory][hara_kiri][randomshots][razormaze][trauma_concept]
[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Jul 14,2008 6:28pm - MetalThursday ""]


[Jul 20,2008 6:03pm - MetalThursday ""]
[Jul 20,2008 6:13pm - the_reverend ""]
thread #4
[Jul 20,2008 6:50pm - blue ""]
if only this was the real hara kiri.......
[Jul 20,2008 7:08pm - the_reverend ""]
spelt differe.tly.
[Jul 20,2008 11:36pm - aegathis nli  ""]
I cant wait for the one that comes after this??
[Jul 21,2008 7:29am - MetalThursday ""]

aegathis%20nli said:I cant wait for the one that comes after this??

i wonder why???????? :LOL:
[Jul 21,2008 7:43am - aegathis nli  ""]
some possible Milf action
[Jul 30,2008 12:31am - momo  ""]
[Aug 7,2008 6:45pm - Samantha ""]
[Aug 7,2008 6:51pm - the_reverend ""]
leaving work in like 45 minutes
[Aug 7,2008 8:29pm - the_reverend ""]
fuck! something is wrong here... haven't moved on 495 for 15 minutes
[Aug 7,2008 9:01pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, getting TB and then there.
[Aug 7,2008 9:37pm - the_reverend ""]
there are already more people here than I've seen at a MT in a fort night. wait, that only 2-weeks. damn it. longer than that.
[Aug 7,2008 11:01pm - the_reverend ""]
I know like 3 people here. that's all the people that I recognize.
[Aug 7,2008 11:02pm - the_reverend ""]
saying that there are still double the number of people typically here.
[Aug 8,2008 12:06am - the_reverend ""]
I figured out a setting that ruined all my pictures last night.

razormaze: honestly they are the band I came to see. They did not disappoint at all. This is very another one of my new fans in local bands. It these guys, panzard bastard, revocation, and toxic holocaust don't play a show together some time soon, I shall start throwing feces at people until they do. Make that happen folks. I've been downloading so much 80's thrash lately and this goes right in line with that.

hara kiri: think of a pg version of disengaged, minus the hat flipping off every 5 seconds that is. (not 5 minues after typing that charlie showed up.. Whoah..). From the CD, I eally thought that they were a bunch of young kids. Idk why. Some of the vocals in the beginning didn't agree with me, but they still had a lot of energy and the crowd was into them.

trauma concept: figured they would headline. It was totally hard to get to the front of the room since the average audience member was 6'3" 250lbs and probably had some bitching stories about winning the touch downs at the footballs games senior year. Watching all those guys dealing with the handful of regulars who were there attempting to mosh, but getting showed extremely hard over and over again. Besides jesse being way too out of shape and the stage mix being terrible, it sounded like most trauma concept shows. Im still surprised that this is the same band I saw in a basement back in 01 or 02. They had thei MTV run and now here they are. oh and a bassist/drummer I didn't know.
[Aug 8,2008 2:47am - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 8,2008 7:50am - MetalThursday ""]
Yeah one of the football dudes was getting a kick out of shoving us as hard as possible, obviously trying to injure someone. Dick. Otherwise, great show... Armory finished it off with a 70+ minute set and killed the stage light fuse in the middle of their last song.

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