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Deicide - Legion

[Jul 14,2008 8:16pm - Hungtableed  ""]
I use to love this cd and I have just busted it out again recently. Un-fuckin-real. Probably one of the hardest Deicide cds to learn songs on guitar.
[Jul 15,2008 12:00am - GLEN BENTON  ""]
[Jul 15,2008 12:03am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I have the CD autographed and a picture disc, I like to brag about it, haha.
[Jul 15,2008 1:25am - inject-now ""]
autografss r 4 faggits jon!
[Jul 15,2008 1:26am - inject-now ""]
good cd.

only first 3 are real

posers like the rest

like bitch tits!
[Jul 15,2008 1:27am - RichHorror ""]
[Jul 15,2008 1:30am - inject-now ""]
have you ever seen an infected pizza tit?

he cant do the show!

it hurts
[Jul 15,2008 1:34am - inject-now ""]
drain that puss nigger
[Jul 15,2008 5:14am - thuringwethil ""]
an American treasure.

Legion > squirrels
[Jul 15,2008 10:39am - Conservationist ""]
Legion > The Democratic Party
[Jul 15,2008 10:41am - Yeti ""]
i have always had a tough time liking Legion. i absolutely love the self-titled, but something is off-putting to me about Legion. it isn't bad, it just isn't one of my favorites.
[Jul 15,2008 11:08am - demondave ""]
Legion = A+
[Jul 15,2008 12:27pm - Conservationist ""]

Yeti said:i have always had a tough time liking Legion. i absolutely love the self-titled, but something is off-putting to me about Legion. it isn't bad, it just isn't one of my favorites.

I had this problem at first, mainly because the stupid raped-sheep intro.

Give it time.

I eventually cured this problem by driving around LA knowing I was going to face some ugly conflict at the other end of my journey, and Legion repeating on the tape deck.

It seized me.

I even like Once Upon the Crotch, but everything after that from Deicide is a clammy limp hand touching English manparts.
[Jul 15,2008 12:41pm - Yeti ""]
there is a band called Scrotesque that wrote an album "Once Upon the Crotch". i think Serpents of the Light is good. i mean its not spectacular, but its got some good stuff on it. unfortunately it shows the beginning of his vocal downfall. Once Upon the Cross is awesome.
[Jul 15,2008 3:35pm - Conservationist ""]
Yeah, I agree. There's some cool stuff on SOTL, but there's also a singsongy tendency that gets emo real fast. I liked the stylistic change to a more black metal outlook however.

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