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how not to drive a bus

[Jul 15,2008 12:08am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
how not to drive:

step 1: be a woman

step 2: http://thorlinks.com/mediaview/8490/Woman_Bus_Driver_
[Jul 15,2008 12:13am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
haaahahaha. I bet she was thinking about baking cakes.

"Please let me out. Let me out."
[Jul 15,2008 12:14am - xanonymousx ""]
[Jul 15,2008 12:14am - xanonymousx ""]
'please let me out, please let me out'
[Jul 15,2008 12:30am - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 15,2008 2:13pm - yummy ""]
[Jul 15,2008 2:47pm - Revocation ""]
bahhaaahaaa holy shit I was not expecting the inside view too
[Jul 15,2008 2:48pm - Martins ""]
I don't even get how the hell that happened.

I have a hypothesis that needs testing. I'm going to start a thread on it.

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