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[Feb 7,2004 3:05pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Abortion- Wrong or Right?
and just to make it Music related: What Band would you listen to while getting an abortion?
[Feb 7,2004 3:30pm - moran ""]
Theres nothing wrong with it. Canibal Corpse-Butchered at Birth.
[Feb 7,2004 3:34pm - anonymous  ""]
just add salt and some vegies and a touch of garlic bring to a boil on a high heat
mmmmm mmmm good abortion stew
[Feb 7,2004 3:43pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Word up. To many people in this world already.
Band: Broken hope would kick ass.
[Feb 7,2004 3:47pm - swamplorddvm ""]
anonymous said:just add salt and some vegies and a touch of garlic bring to a boil on a high heat
mmmmm mmmm good abortion stew

I'll send you some of the stew in afew months. Gotta let it bake in the other oven for a bit.
[Feb 7,2004 4:20pm - Dissector ""]
I'm pro-choice. If you're not gonna raise a child right or don't have enough money to support it, then obviously to bring it into this world.

As for music, Carcass - Foeticide
[Feb 7,2004 6:06pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i agree. too many unwanted kids in this world. but then
again, i don't agree with 16 year olds getting abortion
after abortion. someone has to take responsibility for
being stupid. and i have no idea what i'd listen to.... maybe
some madonna....
[Feb 7,2004 6:38pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Abortions help population control, so I'm all for it. I wish abortions could kill the mothers too sometimes. And the fathers for that matter.

And everyone else in the room.

I'd have some Berzerker playing at an absurdly loud volume so the entire experience feels like a fucking blitzkrieg for the woman.

Have I mentioned lately that I fucking hate everything?
[Feb 7,2004 9:00pm - retzam ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:
Have I mentioned lately that I fucking hate everything?

Um, it is "I hate everything". You can't add in an adverb, it throws off the balance. Anyway, I am pro-choice. As for music, Anal Cunt - You're Pregnant So I Kicked You In The Stomach.
[Feb 7,2004 10:36pm - JellyFish ""]
I dont think chicks should use it as a form of birth control. Other than that, its fine. Vile: Abort (the fetus)
[Feb 7,2004 10:57pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Yeah, abortions should be for women 18+, if they're stupid enough to fuck up their lives before then they should have to pay the consequences.

And retzam, I can add an adverb all I want, I own the trademark on the principle idea. Can Disney add a wizard hat to Mickey's head without violating their own trademark? They sure did, so I can too.
[Feb 7,2004 11:05pm - retzam ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:Yeah, abortions should be for women 18+, if they're stupid enough to fuck up their lives before then they should have to pay the consequences.

And retzam, I can add an adverb all I want, I own the trademark on the principle idea. Can Disney add a wizard hat to Mickey's head without violating their own trademark? They sure did, so I can too.

I am just saying, you tainted your catch phrase, now you must "pay the consequences".
[Feb 7,2004 11:36pm - tbone_r ""]
they arent really alive yet, they're merely parasites.

tyag-abortion through a straw
[Feb 7,2004 11:39pm - swamplorddvm ""]
tbone_r said:they arent really alive yet, they're merely parasites.

tyag-abortion through a straw

(parasite) Never thought of it that way.:NEWHORNS:
[Feb 7,2004 11:41pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]

Oh no, I've used it before. Guess it's interchangeable, dependant on my mood. Better luck next time rety.
[Feb 7,2004 11:43pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
swamplorddvm said:tbone_r said:they arent really alive yet, they're merely parasites.

tyag-abortion through a straw

(parasite) Never thought of it that way.:NEWHORNS:

Self-sufficient = alive, at least that's how I've always looked at it.
[Feb 8,2004 12:47am - BornSoVile ""]
PRO DEATH! They should also kill 16 year old girls with herpes.
Abortion soundtrack,
Abrutptum - Vi Sonus Veris Nigrae Malitiacs
Devourment - Babykiller
Krieg - The Immaculate Whore
Type O Negative - Suspended in Dusk
Ulver - Capitel IIII
[Feb 8,2004 1:08am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
SFC - Fetus Frappé (I'll write it some day)
[Feb 8,2004 1:11am - BornSoVile ""]
don't forget to right Fourstring Four Eyes,
[Feb 8,2004 10:39am - RustedAngel ""]
just shoot someone, that's population control.
[Feb 8,2004 11:22am - retzam ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:http://www.returntothepit.com/view.php?formid=3899#36029

Oh no, I've used it before. Guess it's interchangeable, dependant on my mood. Better luck next time rety.

Blast!! You'll pay for this Captain Planet!!!
[Feb 8,2004 12:44pm - the_reverend ""]
abortions are the best thing ever!
I'm against what DOM said... I think all girls under the age of 18 should be FORCED to have them.
now that's population control.
too many of my Tax $$ are going to white girls with bacl babies in mass.
[Feb 8,2004 1:45pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I should've added the dissolution of all forms of welfare that would be implemented. Make them work at McDonald's for 80 hours a week and on their one half-day off they babysit all their friends' kids so those moms can work 16 hour shifts at the drive-thru. And make them all walk to work too, just to rub it in.
[Feb 8,2004 5:56pm - succubus ""]
funny how only guys replied to this..except MyDeadDoll

[Feb 8,2004 6:23pm - swamplorddvm ""]
succubus said:funny how only guys replied to this..except MyDeadDoll

Tis funny. I heard it's rather painfull, and i'm sure chicks really don't look forward to it.
[Feb 9,2004 2:45am - MyDeadDoll ""]
if they didn't look forward to it, they'd keep
their fucking legs crossed. damn prosti"tots"
[Feb 9,2004 3:07am - swamplorddvm ""]
Ha! Sluts!
Well... "accidents" happen.
[Feb 9,2004 9:45am - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 9,2004 3:19pm - orgymaggotfeast ""]
abortions are great! yummy!
joe and orgy's abortion clinic is great abortion music.
so is scum bitch!

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