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If you could bomb one of these countries which one would it be?

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[Jul 17,2008 2:46pm - Shit bitch  ""]
So if you had the power to systematically bomb one of these countries off the map who would you choose?:nuke:
[Jul 17,2008 3:22pm - Yeti ""]
10. an ant hill
[Jul 17,2008 6:36pm - monster_island ""]
11. woonsocket
[Jul 17,2008 6:59pm - the_reverend ""]
which one of those is better than us?
[Jul 17,2008 7:04pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
whichever one you live in
[Jul 17,2008 7:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
bomb diggity
[Jul 17,2008 7:09pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 17,2008 7:25pm - dertoxia ""]
i think it would be funny to just carpet bomb Germany out of nowhere.
[Jul 17,2008 9:42pm - powerkok ""]
Is there any way to tell who voted for usa, and report them to homerland security?
[Jul 17,2008 9:43pm - powerkok ""]
I vote china because they killed my cat.
[Jul 17,2008 9:47pm - sxealex ""]
we need funnier choices
[Jul 17,2008 9:50pm - powerkok ""]
Yes, New Zealand for one, I mean, whats up with those ashy motherfuckers anyway?

also somewhere like Uganda or the congo, where dudes never even seen a televison. That would blow their fucking minds.
[Jul 17,2008 10:18pm - genius  ""]
[Jul 17,2008 10:30pm - powerkok ""]
:nuke: OOONY BOOBOO *grunt*click*Bird sound* (That translates to holy shit what is that? in Swahili)
[Jul 17,2008 10:49pm - Murph ""]

monster_island said:11. woonsocket

haha, awesome.
[Jul 18,2008 12:35am - Nicc nli  ""]
there needs to be an 'all of the above'
[Jul 18,2008 1:04am - grady  ""]
i would bomb my lazy ass girlfriend into cleaning the toilet.
[Sep 9,2008 2:58pm - xXSaMXx ""]

monster_island said:11. woonsocket

Yeah definatley number 11. Woonsocket, that's my vote. So 2 for Woonsocket.:nuke:
[Sep 9,2008 3:00pm - xXSaMXx ""]
3 for woonsocket, not 2.
[Sep 9,2008 3:29pm - madoakdevin nli  ""]
this is a gay thread!
[Sep 9,2008 3:34pm - Conservationist ""]
Where's Russia? I'd bomb the fuck out of them and China.
[Sep 9,2008 4:27pm - metal_church101 ""]
Why bomb only 1 country?

You can't drink only 1 beer!!!

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